Lee Jae-myung 42

Lee Jae-myung attacks the 'established Democrats' with hard-line republican conservatives

Democratic Party leader candidate Lee Jae-myung said that the low-income group was a supporter of the people's power and attacked the Democratic Party belonging to the established elite, saying that he would create a "progressive party" by hard-line republican conservatives. Candidate Lee announced on the 29th that "the low-educated and low-income people have a lot of support for the people's po..

카테고리 없음 2022.07.29

North and South Korea Missile Arms Race Clashes in Armaments After the Presidential Election

North Korea announced on the 5th of the pre-election day that the missile launch would be a 'reconnaissance satellite', and the Sejong Institute released a report on the 6th that "the South Korean presidential election will be difficult to be considered as the possibility of South Korea to stop increasing its armaments after the election is slim." North Korea reported through the Rodong Sinmun, ..

카테고리 없음 2022.03.06

President Moon's 'democratic republican' Unsuk-yeol 'free democracy' hard-line conservative struggle

President Moon Jae-in announced on the 4th that “all citizens are exercising the right to vote as a sovereign of the democratic republic” and confronted candidate Yoon Seok-yeol, who advocates “liberalism,” in a battle for hard-line conservatives. President Moon said on his social media account, "The early voting for the 20th presidential election begins today. As a sovereign of a democratic rep..

카테고리 없음 2022.03.04

Jae-myung Lee, ‘Arms quadruped India model’ Seok-yeol Yoon, ‘Liberalism’s international contribution’

Presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung announced his participation in the U.S.-led quad for ‘arms augmentation’ at ‘Indian level’, and candidate Yoon Seok-yeol announced a strategy of ‘mutual respect with China on the central axis of Korea and the United States’ as ‘liberal international contribution’. Voice of America (VOA) held a conversation with Lee Jae-myung, chairman of the presidential elec..

카테고리 없음 2022.03.03

Lee Jae-myung Moon Jae-in regime rejects ‘Kim Young-sam freedom’ Unification of Ahn Cheol-soo and Yoon Seok-yeol

Lee Jae-myung and Moon Jae-in regime ruled out the Kim Young-sam government and liberal democracy to create a democratic republic, and candidate Ahn Cheol-soo of the Busan area joined forces with candidate Yoon Seok-yeol. As a commemorative speech for the March 1st Independence Movement, President Moon defined “the Kim Dae-jung government as the first democratic government,” excluding the Kim Yo..

카테고리 없음 2022.03.03

Kim Jong-in’s pro-government media play ‘Pro-Lee Jae-myung Anti Yoon Seok-yeol’

On the 26th, former Chairman Kim Jong-in disclosed the 'failure of the generation siege theory' with the media play of the 'pro-Lee Jae-myung, anti-Yun Seok-yeol' remarks to the pro-government media on the 26th. Former Chairman Kim, who has proven his political power in controlling the media, said in an interview with Oh Yeon-ho, president of Ohmy News, a pro-female media on the same day, "Kim K..

카테고리 없음 2022.01.26

'Open test' with North Korean missiles to change the kill chain between South Korea and the US

Direct negotiations between the US and North Korea are expected to accelerate as the kill-chain wave is limited to domestic use as the North Korean missile system and changes in the ROK-US joint operational plan coincide. According to the 'Five-Year Plan' schedule unveiled at the 8th Congress of the Workers' Party in January last year, North Korea announced the first test launch of a hypersonic ..

카테고리 없음 2022.01.13

Lee Jae-myung 'The budget is an administrative monopoly, the parliament is not the electoral power'

Presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung made a promise to exclude the National Assembly from the budget and promised an “administrative monopoly,” and announced that the National Assembly had no electoral power. Democratic Party candidate Lee said, "In order to prevent the problem of politicization of the budget, some say that the budget function should be entirely transferred to the National Assem..

카테고리 없음 2022.01.05

Candidate Jae-myung Lee, Jeong Hee Park's, pledges to restore the command economy and raise the KOSPI to 5,000

On the 2nd, presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung pledged to create a 5000 surge in the stock price index by returning to the command economy by Park Chung-hee's due to a sharp rise in stock prices to a planned economy led by finances. Candidate Lee said on the 2nd, "In the end, it is the election power that best respects the will of the people, and the appointment power must follow the direction..

카테고리 없음 2022.01.03

Two presidential candidates 'armaments' US 'diplomatic denuclearization'

The two presidential candidates chose to “continue to increase arms” in a situation in which North Korea refused to negotiate denuclearization through South Korea’s increased arms. On the 7th, Lee Jae-myung, chairman of the pragmatic diplomacy committee of candidate Lee Jae-myung, said, “Candidate Lee is firmly maintaining realism and pragmatism in his North Korea policy. said. Seong-han Kim, Vi..

카테고리 없음 2021.12.08