U.S.-Japan-Philippines summit ‘lattice multi-layered security’ Yoon Seok-yeol’s NATO exclusion North KoreaJapan summit ‘supported’

U.S.-Japan-Philippines summit ‘lattice multi-layered security’ Yoon Seok-yeol’s NATO exclusion North KoreaJapan summit ‘supported’ The three countries, the United States, Japan, and the Philippines, agreed to ‘counteract the Chinese complex system through a multi-layered structure’ in the Indo-Pacific through a ‘maritime democracy and security economy’, excluding the ‘NATO-style security system’..

안보 2024.04.12

North Korea’s “intervention” in the US-Russia-China triangular system by incapacitating Russia’s New Start

North Korea’s “intervention” in the US-Russia-China triangular system by incapacitating Russia’s New Start 러시아가 미국과 유지하던 뉴스타트 군비통제 체제를 무력화하고 중국 핵의 국제화로 미러중 삼각체제의 핵강국 체제를 구축하며 북한이 대륙간탄도미사일로 개입을 시도했다. 블라디미르 푸틴 러시아 대통령은 21일 미국과의 마지막 남은 핵무기 통제 협정인 뉴스타트(New START) 조약에 대한 참여를 중단하고 우크라이나 전투에 대한 전세를 급격히 높이고 있다고 선언했다. 미 국방부는 앞서 중국이 향후 1년 동안 미국과 러시아의 무기고에 필적하는 핵무기 배치를 추정하는 전략 보고서는 잇따라 냈고, 중국은 미국-러시아간의 뉴스타..

안보 2023.02.22

Yoon Seok-yeol Indo-Pacific Strategy 'International Norm' Expansion to NATO Gap with China's 'International Law'

The Yoon Seok-yeol administration specified “strategic globalization” by linking NATO and Canada to the U.S. and Japan’s humanitarian strategy based on “regulation of free rule of law and establishment of a rule-based order” against China’s principles of international law as a humanitarian strategy. At the presentation of the final report of the Yoon Seok-yeol administration's Indo-Pacific regio..

안보 2022.12.30

Biden NATO arms augmentation Russia sanctions 'crack' South Korea and Japan 'strengthening'

While the Biden administration's efforts to increase arms and strengthen Russian sanctions against NATO failed due to cracks, it seems that arms increase and strengthening of Russian sanctions were applied to South Korea and Japan. Regarding the NATO summit, the Washington Post reported on the 'rift between NATO allies', 'refusing the G7 to impose a price cap on Russian oil' and 'disagreement on..

카테고리 없음 2022.07.01

ROK-U.S. ‘Stability of Taiwan Strait’ Vs U.S.-Japan-Australia ‘Denuclearization of Korean Peninsula’

“Peace and safety in the Taiwan Strait” was adopted as a joint statement at the defense ministers’ meeting held right after the defense ministers of the Republic of Korea and the United States agreed on “stabilization of the Taiwan Strait”. The U.S.-Japan-Australian trilateral defense ministers agreed to “emphasize the importance of achieving complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,” a..

카테고리 없음 2022.06.13

Incorporating South Korea into NATO, the U.S. strengthens China’s ‘competition’ strategy

South Korea intervened in NATO as a competitive strategy in response to the US response to China, strengthening the strategy of “investment alliance competition” with China. At a joint press conference with NATO Secretary-General Tony Blincoln, the US Secretary of State, it was announced on the 2nd that NATO, the European security alliance, would include 'China's threat' as a long-term strategic..

카테고리 없음 2022.06.02

Ukrainian War Polish government in exile 'preparation' for long-term guerrilla war

The US and European administrations prepared to establish a government in Ukraine in exile in Poland and switched aid to long-term guerrilla weapons, and it was diagnosed that Russia could afford economic sanctions. European leaders have secretly prepared a government in exile in Poland in response to Putin's strategy of reducing Ukraine's "much smaller state" to maintain independence in western..

카테고리 없음 2022.03.07

China's NATO Braking on Ukraine, British Cross Intervention on Quads

As China intervened in NATO's involvement in European security in the Ukrainian armed protests, Britain substituted Taiwan with quad support, and it was foretold to strengthen collective security on the Korean Peninsula. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said at a European security conference on the 19th, "The Cold War ended long ago, and NATO, a product of the Cold War, must be adjusted to the c..

카테고리 없음 2022.02.20

Korea-Japan summit canceled over US-Korea-US-Japan trilateral restoration strategy

The inconsistency was revealed in the summit negotiations between Korea and Japan as the US Deputy Secretary of State began to restore the trilateral system between the US and Japan. The strategic schedule of Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman to restore the 8th US-Korea-Japan Vice Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Japan on the 21st and hold the Korea-Japan summit in Japan on the 23rd seems to ..

카테고리 없음 2021.07.19