Palestine 22

Hamas ‘loses battle, wins war’ Netanyahu ‘fires defense minister’

Hamas ‘loses battle, wins war’ Netanyahu ‘fires defense minister’ A senior Hamas official told the New York Times that “the battle is lost, but the war is won,” and that “the Israeli army has been driven to exhaustion.” Prime Minister Netanyahu’s ‘fired defense minister’ was reported in Israeli media, and Gideon Jarre, a member of the minority New Hope party with four seats in the Knesset, was n..

안보 2024.09.17

CIA-backed rescue of 4 Israeli hostages, killing of 210 Palestinians, greatest bloodshed

CIA-backed rescue of 4 Israeli hostages, killing of 210 Palestinians, greatest bloodshed The CIA-backed rescue operation of four Israeli hostages in a residential area became the bloodiest event of its kind, with 210 Palestinians killed. On the 8th, Israeli troops rescued four hostages in an attack in the middle of a residential area in Nusseyrat, where they were being held in an apartment compl..

안보 2024.06.09

Former Israeli Prime Minister ‘Withdrawal of troops due to failure of Hamas war’ ICJ orders ‘Stop attack on Rafah and open borders’

Former Israeli Prime Minister ‘Withdrawal of troops due to failure of Hamas war’ ICJ orders ‘Stop attack on Rafah and open borders’Ahead of the International Court of Justice's decision to suspend the attack on Gaza, Israel's former prime minister announced on the 20th that the war to destroy Hamas had failed and that he had signed an agreement to withdraw troops from Gaza and repatriate hostage..

안보 2024.05.24

Biden: Israel ‘went too far’ Intelligence agency ‘attack failed’ credit rating downgraded

Biden: Israel ‘went too far’ Intelligence agency ‘attack failed’ credit rating downgraded U.S. President Biden said Israel's attack on Gaza had gone "too far," the U.S. intelligence agency diagnosed the Netanyahu government's "failed Hamas attack," and credit rating agency Moody's downgraded Israel's credit rating. “As you know, I am of the view that the response in Gaza has gone too far,” Presi..

안보 2024.02.10

Hamas ‘saves unification leader Barkuti’ Israel surprise raid final ‘hostage exchange’

Hamas ‘saves unification leader Barkuti’ Israel surprise raid final ‘hostage exchange’ It was revealed that Hamas' negotiations for 100 Israeli hostages have reached a stalemate in 'Saving Unity Leader Barkuti'. The AP reported on the 3rd that Marwan Barghouti, a 20-year prisoner who is revered in Palestine as South Africa's Nelson Mandela, is at issue in the final negotiations for the release o..

안보 2024.02.04

ICJ ‘prohibition of Israeli genocide’ is ‘enforced’ by domestic law due to superiority of international law

ICJ ‘prohibition of Israeli genocide’ is ‘enforced’ by domestic law due to superiority of international law ​ The International Court ruled that “Israel is prohibited from committing genocide” in accordance with the “Genocide Convention,” an international law, as a measure to deal with the Israeli genocide in World War II, and confirmed the supremacy of international law by rejecting Israel’s re..

안보 2024.01.29

54% of Israelis ‘distrust the cabinet’, US Democratic senators make ‘two states’ statement

54% of Israelis ‘distrust the cabinet’, US Democratic senators make ‘two states’ statement Regarding the performance of the war cabinet, 53.8% of Israelis responded 'not satisfied with the cabinet's work' and 5.4% had 'no opinion', while only 40.8% responded 'very good' and 'good enough', more than half of the Israeli people responded with 'very good' and 'good enough'. Opinion polls show distru..

안보 2024.01.25

Cracks in Israeli cabinet ‘Hamas strike failed hostage truce’ Biden ‘recognizes two states’

Cracks in Israeli cabinet ‘Hamas strike failed hostage truce’ Biden ‘recognizes two states’ As the cracks in Israel's war cabinet grew, the former Army Chief of Staff, a member of the five-member cabinet, formalized the 'ceasefire for hostages that failed to strike Hamas' in a media interview, and US President Biden announced 'Netanyahu's recognition of the state of Palestine'. Former army chief..

안보 2024.01.20

Peace in Gaza, Palestinian ‘state recognition’, Israel-Saudi ‘normalization’, ‘cease of attacks’

Peace in Gaza, Palestinian ‘state recognition’, Israel-Saudi ‘normalization’, ‘cease of attacks’ The Middle East war was approached through peace negotiations with ‘state recognition’ for Palestine and ‘cessation of attacks’ by Israel. The US Middle East peace strategy was condensed into the simultaneous progress of ‘normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel’ and ‘recognition of the state of..

안보 2024.01.18

Three far-right ministers and chief of staff clash over Israeli cabinet ‘Gaza reconstruction’

Three far-right ministers and chief of staff clash over Israeli cabinet ‘Gaza reconstruction’ Israel's war cabinet was put on ice after right-wing ministers attacked Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi during a post-war management meeting in the Gaza Strip, leading to a shouting match, Time of Israel quoted an authentic source at the cabinet meeting. It was reported on the 5th. The Israeli Defense Minis..

안보 2024.01.05