Semiconductor 14

Trade deficit widening Export growth and sharp decline The government’s ‘V rebound from stocks’

Exports increased by 15.2% in January, halving from 31.9% in November of last year, resulting in a trade deficit of $4.89 billion for the second month in a row. In the economic growth system of the corona stock economy rebound, the increase in imports is greater than the chronic exports, and the trade deficit and the fiscal deficit overlap, creating a twin deficit. According to the IMF data on t..

카테고리 없음 2022.02.01

Korea-U.S. semiconductor economic cooperation agreement to end the war and ‘access’ to Samsung factory

The declaration of an end to the war in response to North Korea was approached with an agreement on the semiconductor economic cooperation between Korea and the United States, and Samsung Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong left on the 14th to discuss the US semiconductor factory. The U.S. Commerce Secretary and the Korean Industry Minister reached an agreement on the 9th to “share information on reducin..

카테고리 없음 2021.11.15

Export-led led by supply superiority, semiconductor decline, import price soaring

It seems that the economic policy, which attempted to rebound rapidly, led by exports, was exposed to the blow of inflation as the soaring import prices and the decline in semiconductors overlapped. Reagannomics' supply-leading economic strategy, the export-led sharp rebound, and fiscal input to stimulate domestic demand is being hit by a decline in semiconductors and a sharp rise in import pric..

카테고리 없음 2021.11.12

Samsung SK, ‘Government Approval’ for U.S. Submission of Semiconductor Information

The US Treasury Department released a statement on the afternoon of the 7th (US time) on the voluntary submission of information on Korean semiconductor companies, but on the 7th (Korean time) immediately before this, the South Korean government seems to have approved the provision of information at a security strategy meeting. South Korean semiconductor companies such as Samsung Electronics and..

카테고리 없음 2021.11.08