Seok-Yeol Yoon 62

Yoon Seok-yeol’s “Free Reunification, Living Well for North Koreans” Constitutional “Peaceful Reunification” Conflicts

Yoon Seok-yeol’s “Free Reunification, Living Well for North Koreans” Constitutional “Peaceful Reunification” Conflicts Although President Yoon Seok-yeol ordered the implementation of the unification policy of “living well for North Koreans” in “liberal democratic unification,” Article 4 of the Constitution stipulates “peaceful unification policy based on the basic order of free democracy,” and t..

안보 2023.07.02

Biden agrees to ‘reduce risk’ to G7 China to brake ‘Korea-US-Japan nuclear alliance near China’

Biden agrees to ‘reduce risk’ to G7 China to brake ‘Korea-US-Japan nuclear alliance near China’ At the Hiroshima G7, China’s “decoupling” attempt was changed to “risk reduction” due to Japan’s Europe’s brakes, and Biden’s attempt to create a “close nuclear alliance near China” seems to have been put on hold by the trilateral system of Korea, the US and Japan. "Our policy approach is not intended..

안보 2023.05.23

Yoon Seok-yeol Kishida ‘Korea-US radar Japan connection’ agreement Hiroshima G7 ‘signed’

Yoon Seok-yeol Kishida ‘Korea-US radar Japan connection’ agreement Hiroshima G7 ‘signed’ During Japanese Prime Minister Kishida's visit to Korea, an agreement was reached to "connect the US and South Korea radar systems to Japan," and it is expected to be "concluded" at the G7 in Hiroshima in June. Japan's Yomiuri reported on the 9th that "Japan, the United States, and South Korea have decided t..

안보 2023.05.09

Yoon Seok-yeol ‘Normalization of relations’ vs. Kishida ‘improvement movement’ Semiconductor investment ‘cancellation’

Yoon Seok-yeol ‘Normalization of relations’ vs. Kishida ‘improvement movement’ Semiconductor investment ‘cancellation’ While President Yoon Seok-yeol said in a press conference for the Korea-Japan summit that the normalization of bilateral relations was on the right track, Prime Minister Kishida said that the movement to improve Japan-Korea relations was on the right track, widening the gap. Pri..

안보 2023.05.08

Yoon Seok-yeol’s speech to the U.S. Congress, ‘Freedom Support for Ukraine’, summit meeting ‘Fair Trade’

Yoon Seok-yeol’s speech to the U.S. Congress, ‘Freedom Support for Ukraine’, summit meeting ‘Fair Trade’ While President Yoon Seok-yeol defined it as an ideological war of “support for the reconstruction of freedom in Ukraine” in his speech to the U.S. Congress, the joint statement from the Korea-US summit the previous day specified “violation of international law” and “support for fair trade.” ..

안보 2023.04.28

U.S. nuclear deterrence ‘China’s response to South Korea-Japan combination’ vs. Yoon Seok-yeol’s ‘inability to depend on North Korea’s nuclear weapons’ gap

U.S. nuclear deterrence ‘China’s response to South Korea-Japan combination’ vs. Yoon Seok-yeol’s ‘inability to depend on North Korea’s nuclear weapons’ gap While the US Biden administration is attempting a “Korea-Japan combination in response to China” in nuclear deterrence, President Seok-Yeol Yoon announces “measures that cannot depend on North Korean nuclear weapons” in the United States, sho..

안보 2023.04.26

Yoon Seok-yeol told Reuters that after switching to Ukraine’s armed support, he went to the United States​ 'state visit'

Prior to his state visit to the United States, President Yoon Seok-yeol announced to Reuters that he would shift his policy toward “armed aid” to Ukraine. In an exclusive interview with Britain's Reuters on the 19th, President Yoon said, "If a situation unacceptable to the international community occurs, such as a large-scale attack on civilians, a massacre, or a serious violation of the law of ..

안보 2023.04.19

Korea-Japan Security Alliance Restoration Begins First ROK-US-Japan Anti-Submarine Joint Exercise

Korea-Japan Security Alliance Restoration Begins First ROK-US-Japan Anti-Submarine Joint Exercise With the restoration of the security alliance between South Korea and Japan, the first military drill between South Korea, the U.S. and Japan began on the 3rd with an anti-submarine tracking and rescue drill targeting an underwater launch from North Korea. The Ministry of National Defense announced ..

안보 2023.04.03

The U.S. State Department ‘excluded’ the blackpink collaboration proposal for the state visit event

The U.S. State Department ‘excluded’ the blackpink collaboration proposal for the state visit event It seems that the proponent of the “Blackpink performance” for the US state visit event excluded the State Department, the responsible ministry, from diplomatic channels, and the US Embassy in Korea cooperated with this. An official from the presidential office told Yonhap News on the 31st, "There..

안보 2023.03.31

Democracy Summit ‘Peace, Prosperity and Equality’ Yoon Seok-Yeol ‘Promotion of Freedom’

The Declaration of the Summit on Democracy stated that it “reaffirms the common belief that democracy is mankind’s age-old means to promote peace, prosperity, equality, sustainable development and security,” and President Seok-Yeol Yoon said he was a “freedom promoter in the international community.” In a video address on the 29th, President Yoon revealed the spread of “freedom promotion” to the..

안보 2023.03.30