
230 tactical nukes in the US, 1 to 2 thousand Russia, ‘initiating Korean controversy’

김종찬안보 2022. 10. 13. 12:20

On the way to work on the 13th, President Yoon Seok-yeol, on his way to work, said, "There are reports that the United States has requested substantial nuclear sharing.
In its first official National Security Strategy (NSS) report on the 12th, the White House said, "We will pursue continued diplomacy with North Korea to achieve tangible progress toward the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula." We will strengthen our extended deterrence in the face of the missile threat.”
On the 11th, White House NSC Strategic Communications Coordinator John Kirby said in response to the controversy over the relocation of tactical nuclear weapons in South Korea, “Let the South Korean side speak about their position and wishes for the alliance.” “Complete and verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula is our goal.” "I believe there is still a diplomatic path to that," he said at the briefing.
The US Congressional Research Service (CRS) report states that Europe has about 230 non-strategic nuclear weapons, including about 100 B61 bombs deployed with aircraft, and that Russia has 1,000-2,000 warheads for non-strategic nuclear weapons. sparking controversy in Korea,” Reuters reported on the 12th.
An official from People's Power told the JoongAng Ilbo on the 12th, "We plan to start discussions with the United States soon on a way to make the most of the United States' nuclear capabilities." .
Bruce Klingner, a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, said, “There is no military advantage to relocating US nuclear weapons to South Korea. ,” he told the Voice of America (VOA) on the 12th.
“Some have suggested that the (fixed) missile could be turned into a mobile launch platform at any time in case of escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula, but doing so in a crisis situation could be viewed as further escalating tensions,” Klingner said. It can increase the risk.”
Bruce Bennett, a researcher at Rand Corporation, said, “It will cause significant political division and a strong anti-government and kind of crisis-like condition in Korea may arise due to the strong anti-government sentiment in Korea.” It's not that we shouldn't redeploy tactical nuclear weapons, it's that we should push forward while removing obstacles in a creative way," he told VOA on the same day.
North Korea test-fired two long-range cruise missiles on the 13th, the Korean Central News Agency reported on the 13th.
Yomiuri said on the 13th, "I think the goal of North Korea is to deter Japan, the United States, and South Korea by showing off its cruise missile technology in which two missiles fly at low altitudes over the Yellow Sea on the western side of the Korean Peninsula." It emphasizes that they are being deployed as tactical nuclear weapons missiles.”
reported that "In 2018, the Trump administration announced plans for a new low-yield warhead for submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) ​​and a new non-strategic nuclear-tip cruise missile program," Reuters reported. Analysts said tactical weapons could limit military use on Ukraine's vast and scattered battlefields."
"North Korea's pursuit of weapons could represent a dangerous change in the way North Korea deploys and uses nuclear weapons, analysts say," Reuters said. It has sparked a new debate in South Korea.”
Reuters said the tactical nuke was "designed to achieve the more limited and immediate military goal of winning a battle" and was "equipped with relatively short-range artillery shells far less than missiles".