
Seok-Yeol Yoon, “International Community Freedom” Xi Jinping, “Freedom, the Communist Party’s Pursuit”

김종찬안보 2022. 11. 15. 21:07

At the Korea-China summit, President Seok-Yeol Yoon said, "The pursuit of freedom, peace and prosperity in the international community is Korea's goal, so China's role in the freedom, peace and prosperity of East Asia and the international community is very important." We want to provide stability by making it.”
“Freedom, democracy and human rights are the common pursuits of mankind and the consistent pursuit of the CCP,” Xi Jinping said at the US-China summit held earlier. revealed.
In his remarks at the summit on the 15th, President Yoon said, “The diplomatic goal of our government is to lead and contribute to freedom, peace and prosperity in East Asia and the international community.” “Korea needs to cooperate with China while communicating closely. This is in the common interest of both countries,” he said.
At the Korea-China summit, President Xi said, “Korea and China are inseparable partners. “We want to create true multilateralism together and provide more positive energy and stability to the world,” he said.
At the US-China summit previously held, President Xi said, “The United States is capitalist and China is socialist, and both sides are going on different paths. This difference is not unique today and will continue to exist in the future. “The leadership of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese socialist system are supported and supported by 1.4 billion people and are the fundamental guarantee for China's development and stability. It is very important for China and the United States to live together, acknowledge these differences, respect these differences, and do not attempt to change or subvert each other's systems," the People's Daily reported on the day.

China's CCTV reported that President Xi told President Yoon about the Korea-China summit, saying, "China will deepen cooperation with Korea in areas including advanced manufacturing, big data and green economy." We will accelerate the negotiations,” he reported on the day.

Reuters reported that Xi also opposed "politicization of economic cooperation" and "expanding security", saying it was important to ensure "safe, stable and seamless global supply chains". Reuters said, "'Security expansion' is a phrase China used when criticizing the United States and its allies for blocking economic transactions related to China due to national security concerns."

The Chinese announcement does not contain anything about “North Korea, peace on the Korean Peninsula, bold ideas, freedom, and hope for President Yun to visit China,” announced by the South Korean presidential office.

The “Full Text of the Results of the Korea-China Summit” published by the Office of the President of the Republic of Korea shared the position that the two countries should further develop the relationship to a more mature level based on mutual respect, mutual benefit, and common interests. In particular, President Yoon stated that the pursuit of freedom, peace and prosperity in the international community based on universal values ​​and norms is the ROK government's diplomatic goal, and China's role in promoting freedom, peace and prosperity in East Asia and the international community is very important. As important as it is, Korea and China urged close communication and cooperation.”
The  “full text of the presentation” continued <President Xi stated that the two countries have common interests in the Korean Peninsula issue, that peace should be safeguarded, and that South Korea would actively improve inter-Korean relations. Regarding our bold plan, President Xi said that North Korea's intention is the key, and that if North Korea responds, he will actively support and cooperate so that the bold plan can be successfully implemented.">
US President Biden said at the US-China summit that he supported the "one China" policy and said, "China's aggressive position on the island could threaten the stability of the region and ultimately jeopardize the world economy."
President Biden never used the word “freedom” at the US-China summit.

President Yoon made a speech at the UN General Assembly on September 20, saying, "When an individual's freedom is threatened within a country, community members must band together to remove the threat and protect freedom." <Chile's 'Wealth and Power' Better Distribution' Yoon Seok-yeol, 'Elimination of Freedom Threats through International Solidarity', September 21, 2022)

Republican President Trump's 'liberalism' said, "We all enjoy the same glorious freedoms and salute the great American flag." "You will never be ignored again." "Together, we will make America strong again." 2017 gave his inaugural address. <President Yoon’s Inaugural Address Pro-Trump “Liberal Power” Biden’s “Victory of Democracy” Gap, see May 10, 2022>

Contrary to the expectations of the 'Republican landslide victory' in the midterm elections, Democratic Party President Biden attempted to ease tensions with the Chinese socialist system through the US-China summit, with the Democratic Party taking control of the Senate and narrowly losing in the House.