
Hardline Conservatism Climate Change Renewable Energy Attack Heritage Propaganda War Begins

김종찬안보 2023. 3. 3. 17:15

Hardline conservatism started an attack on renewable energy while controlling corporate investment in climate change, and the Hardline Conservative Heritage Foundation, which is linked to the Yoon Seok-yeol government, began a propaganda war against climate change investment, calling it an “attack on the free market economy.”

Conservative Republicans used a majority in the US House of Representatives on the 1st to break the Labor Department rule that prioritizes climate change factors when investing in retirement funds by a vote of 216 to 204.

Former Vice President Mike Pence, the next Republican presidential candidate who led a new wave of hard-line conservatives in environmental policy, tweeted that day, “I am disappointed that President Biden is putting E.S.G. and awake policies above the retirement accounts of hard-working Americans!” We will continue to fight until we completely stop E.S.G.!"

The Climate Change Investment Priority Clause, which was struck down by Congress, is the prioritization of environmental, social, and governance factors, in which more than $18 trillion has been accumulated by major Wall Street companies in response to climate change in funds, and is known in the United States as E.S.G.

Regarding the results of the US Congress vote, the New York Times said, “$18 trillion is a strategy adopted by major corporations around the world, held in investment funds that follow investment principles.” It launched an attack on the philosophy that businesses should be interested in the impact of their business on the environment and society, targeting companies and Wall Street,” reported on the 2nd.

The US media and Wall Street called "woke capitalism" the investment principle (E.S.G.) that determines the priority of environmental considerations in the $18 trillion Environmental First Investment Fund, which was the subject of the Republicans' attack on Congress. It has become a target of attack by the conservative Republican Party, which it values.

Officials in the Republican-led states of the United States are now leading a social movement led by right-wing commentators and politicians to prioritize investments in fossil fuel companies that have been pushed out or suspended under ESG to expand investment in existing fossil fuel companies that provide tax revenue and jobs. launched an attack on the target.

E.S.G. The term was first introduced in a 2004 report prepared by the United Nations and 20 financial firms, including Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and UBS, since then more companies have started talking about corporate investments in an effort to combat climate change and improve diversity. started talking

E.S.G.'s biggest proponents, led by Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, the largest asset management company in the United States, initially proposed profit and loss statements as a role for the private sector to help companies solve social problems, and also influenced the Korean government. caused

The Heritage Foundation, a US hardline conservative power group with connections to the Yoon Seok-yeol government, is already producing a series of articles and podcasts explaining why it sees E.S.G. see.

“E.S.G. is a direct assault on the heart and soul of the free market economy,” said Andrew Olivastro, Executive Director of The Heritage Foundation. It has nothing to do with advancing human progress centering on individuals and families," he told The New York Times.

The Heritage Foundation Chairman Feulner revealed to the Korean media that he started meeting with President-elect Yoon Seok-yeol when he was president-elect and met after the election, advising on strategies to “use administrative decrees to target the majority party parliament” and “moderate biased experts.”

<The Heritage Foundation’s hard-line conservative strategy for elected Yoon, “strengthening the executive order” is an image that does not exist. See the May 4, 2022, Chairman of the Heritage Foundation, “Pressure on China by Arming Taiwan with Nuclear Weapons in South Korea and Japan,” May 6>