
Undermining the Preamble to the Preamble to the Preamble of President Yoon’s ‘Expansion of Freedom’ Commemorative Address ‘Securing Safety, Freedom and Happiness’

김종찬안보 2023. 3. 2. 13:36

President Yoon Seok-yeol's remarks in his speech commemorating the March 1st Independence Movement Day, "We must contribute to the expansion of global civil liberties and common prosperity in the world by solidarity and cooperation with countries that share universal values," are the words of the preamble to the Constitution: "Inheriting the democratic ideology, Based on the mission of democratic reform and peaceful reunification of the country, solidifying national unity through brotherly love, fulfilling responsibilities and obligations according to freedom and rights, and securing the safety, freedom and happiness of descendants forever.”
The preamble to the Constitution reads, “The people of the Republic of Korea inherit the laws of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea established through the March 1st Movement and the ideology of 4/19 democracy that resisted injustice, and based on the mission of democratic reform and peaceful reunification of the country, justice, humanity, and brotherly love. (Omitted) to secure the safety, freedom, and happiness of us and our descendants forever by solidifying the unity of the nation and (omitted) fulfilling the responsibilities and obligations that accompany freedom and rights.” President Yoon The commemorative sign of the 31st clause of 'Freedom Expansion' shows damage to 'eternal safety and happiness'.
A joint statement from the Japan-U.S. summit on January 13 identified the two countries as “the two largest democracies in the world” and “work together to promote prosperity at home and globally and to uphold a free, fair and rules-based economic order.” ” and distanced himself from liberalism.
The conclusion of the US-Japan summit joint statement announced by the White House was, "President Biden highly appreciated Japan's leadership in fundamentally strengthening its defense capabilities and diplomatic efforts, as shown in Japan's new national security strategy, defense strategy, and defense building program. This The investment will strengthen security in the Indo-Pacific and beyond and modernize the US-Japan relationship for the 21st century,” President Yoon said in a speech, “Japan now goes from being a militaristic aggressor in the past to sharing universal values with us and securing security. It has changed into a cooperative partner that cooperates in the economy and global agenda.”
In his speech commemorating the March 1st Independence Movement Day, President Yoon said, "Now, a century has passed since the March 1st Movement, Japan has changed from a militaristic aggressor in the past to a cooperative partner that shares universal values with us and cooperates on security, economy, and global agendas. We are universal. We must contribute to the expansion of global civil liberties and the common prosperity of the world by solidarity and cooperation with countries that share our values. This is no different from the spirit that proclaimed the freedom and independence of our country 104 years ago. The effort without effort should not stop even for a moment,” he said, “that is the way to sacrifice and devote yourself for the freedom and independence of the country and properly repay the ancestors.”
Regardless of ‘liberalism’, the 3ㆍ1 Declaration of Independence specified “independence for the consistent development of freedom for the people” and suggested “returning to a natural and reasonable and correct world in which the strong do not dominate the weak by force.”
The joint statement by the US and Japan leaders stated that the two countries were "we united across the Atlantic and the Pacific" and stated, "Our basic position on Taiwan remains unchanged. It reiterated the importance of maintaining peace and stability along the entire Taiwan Strait as an essential factor for the security and prosperity of the international community," and "China's foreign policy does not conform to the international order." has limited
On January 16, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, “Japan has taken the wrong path in the past, such as starting a war of aggression. organization) into the Asia-Pacific region. The United States is a destroyer of the international order," he said, "and is unilaterally imposing sanctions on other countries. The US-Japan joint statement is an interference in China's internal affairs." Regarding the joint statement from the summit meeting (November 13 last year), the Chinese government-run Global Times said, “Although the United States has stepped up efforts to unite allies for its own strategic purpose, it will only escalate tensions on the Korean Peninsula and will not work for the benefit of the United States. In terms of confrontation with China, the difference between Korea and Japan will grow,” he said on the 14th.
A joint statement from the US-Japan summit on May 23 last year said, "The two leaders, noting China's continued increase in nuclear capabilities, asked China to contribute to measures to reduce nuclear risks, increase transparency, and advance nuclear disarmament."

Japan's At the summit that day, Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno made public the remarks made by US President Joe Biden that “we will intervene militarily in the event of an emergency in Taiwan.”

The Pentagon said in a statement on Thursday that the State Department had authorized the sale (worth $620 million) of weapons and equipment to Taiwan, including 200 advanced anti-aircraft medium-range air-to-air missiles (AMRAAM) and 88 AGM-100B HARM missiles to eliminate ground-based radar stations, the Pentagon said in a statement. announced.

"The proposed sale will contribute to the recipient's ability to provide airspace defense, regional security, and interoperability with the United States," a Pentagon statement said, citing Raytheon Technologies and Lockheed Martin as the primary contractors. China immediately sold the weapons to Taiwan. Sanctioned two US companies.

The preamble to the Constitution reads, “The people of the Republic of Korea will eradicate all social abuses and injustices (omitted) established by the March 1st Movement, further solidify the basic order of freedom and democracy based on autonomy and harmony, and achieve peace in all areas of politics, economy, society, and culture. equal opportunities for each individual, exert their full potential, and fulfill their responsibilities and obligations according to their freedoms and rights, aiming for equal improvement of people's lives internally and permanent world peace and common prosperity of mankind externally. The Constitution, enacted on July 12, 1948 and amended 8 times, is now amended by a referendum after going through a resolution of the National Assembly> stated.