
Yoon Seok-yeol, 'freedom' at Keio University in 'prohibition of alienation' Cold War system 'restoration of the security umbrella economy'

김종찬안보 2023. 3. 18. 11:56

President Yoon Seok-yeol gave a lecture on “Prosperous Development of Korea and Japan Based on Freedom” at Keio University in “Prohibition of Alienation,” and spoke of “free solidarity” at business groups and announced the restoration of the economy under the Cold War system’s security umbrella.
In a lecture at Keio University, President Yoon said, “After World War II, Japan achieved economic prosperity based on its firm belief in liberal democracy and the market economy system (omitted), but Korea also made a leap forward in its economy based on the universal values of freedom, human rights, and the rule of law. On the 17th, he said, “The development of both countries is very important for the young people, the future generation, who are here with Korea and Japan, who share universal values (omitted).”
On the other hand, Keio University said in the 'Keio University's Best Global University Project (SDGs)', "It is the universal goal of both developing and developed countries that aims for a sustainable and better world adopted by the United Nations Summit." Under the principles, it deals with issues such as poverty, inequality, climate change, the environment, peace and prosperity, and justice. Keio University, as an educational research institute of a university hospital and as a research university contributing to the global and local communities, is developing various activities related to the SDGs,” it announced on its website.
Keio University, the oldest private university in Japan, has the basic philosophies of 'practical learning', 'independent self-respect', 'self-creation', 'fourfold cooperation', and 'half-school class'. 60% of international students are Chinese and 15% are Taiwanese, which contradicts President Yoon's 'development of liberal solidarity'.
President Yoon held a 'Korea-Japan Business Roundtable' at the Federation of Economic Organizations (Kyungdanren) hall this afternoon and said, "To overcome the complex crisis facing the world, solidarity and cooperation between countries that share universal values are important." The issue to be dealt with is the future. It would be a politician's courtesy to the people to think about and deal with the future."
At the beginning of the announcement at the Korea-Japan summit the previous day, President Yoon said, “Korea and Japan are the closest neighbors and partners to cooperate, sharing universal values of freedom, human rights, and the rule of law, and pursuing common interests in security, economy, and global agendas.” However, unlike this, there is no content related to 'free sharing' in the Japanese announcement.
President Yoon's statement said, “We will closely cooperate with the international community in the process of promoting Korea's 'Indo-Pacific Strategy of Freedom, Peace and Prosperity' and Japan's 'Free and Open Indo-Pacific'. In addition, as the international order based on universal values of freedom, human rights, and the rule of law has achieved peace and prosperity in the world, we have decided to join forces to preserve it.”
Prime Minister Kisada’s statement read, “At a turning point in history, we confirmed the importance of realizing a free and open Indo-Pacific, and felt the need for countries of the same mind to join forces to preserve a free and open international order based on the rule of law. We shared our views on the issue,” he said, officializing the gap between the two countries as “freedom under the rule of law.”
In a press conference on the 27th of last month, the National Press Labor Union (press union) said, “The remarks related to the union that the president has poured out after taking office have gone far beyond the line of criticism and are reaching the level of hatred.” The president and the government treat labor unions that are voluntarily formed and active in accordance with the law as 'thugs', while claiming false facts and even suppressing accounting to report to the government the use of trade unions, which is the exclusive right of union members, without any legal basis. I am doing it,” he said.

On the other hand, President Yoon announced to Japanese economic organizations, “Deregulation for Japanese companies, preemptive support, and unreserved delivery of opinions.”
China applied national specialism to human rights at the United Nations, contrary to the universalism of the United States.
On the 17th, the U.S. and Albania attempted a webcast on North Korea’s alleged human rights violations by the UN Security Council, and China and Russia said, “The Security Council, which is composed of 15 members of the mission to maintain international peace and security, should not discuss human rights issues.” Regarding the related matter, he put the brakes on, saying, “It should be limited to other UN organizations such as the UN Human Rights Council or the UN General Assembly.”
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Thomas-Greenfield said, "North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programs are inextricably linked to the regime's human rights abuses." He criticized China and Russia, causing universal and special conflicts in human rights.

At Keio University, President Yoon said, “After World War II, Japan prospered based on trust in liberal democracy and a market economy system.” “Restoration of the Cold War system” is shown by applying “development”.