
Yoon Seok-yeol’U.S. use of nuclear weapons’ Biden’Deterrence Progress’ Declaration’Nuclear Submarine Call’

김종찬안보 2023. 4. 27. 11:18


While President Seok-Yeol Yoon announced recognition of North Korea as a “nuclear power” and “use of US nuclear weapons in retaliation,” President Biden spoke of “progress in extended deterrence,” and the Washington Declaration was clear as “mobilization of U.S. capabilities, including nuclear weapons, and call for nuclear submarines.” gap emerged.

President Biden seems to have adhered to the policy of not using nuclear weapons, which distinguishes a’nuclear attack on South Korea’ from a nuclear attack on the United States in accordance with the Democratic Party’s nuclear weapon use policy, and President Yoon seems to have adhered to the US Republican Party’s’nuclear attack in the case of an ally’s nuclear attack. It seems to be aimed at the US presidential election next year by making statements about the use of nuclear weapons, relying on the strategy of 'use'.
At the joint press conference for the Korea-US summit, President Yoon said, “The two countries agreed to hold an immediate summit meeting in the event of a nuclear attack by North Korea, and through this, take a swift, overwhelming, and decisive response using all the capabilities of the alliance, including the US nuclear weapons. promised,” he said of his “unwillingness for a nuclear war” with “North Korea’s nuclear powers.”

President Biden said, “North Korea’s nuclear attack on the United States, its allies, or partners is unacceptable,” and said of a North Korean nuclear attack that it would “cause the end of the regime,” and said, “We will take such action, and this is “strengthening extended deterrence.”
The Washington Declaration reaffirmed that “any nuclear attack on South Korea by North Korea will be met with an immediate, overwhelming and decisive response. President Biden emphasized that the US extended deterrence against Korea is supported by mobilizing all US capabilities, including nuclear weapons. Furthermore, the United States will further enhance the regular visibility of US strategic assets to South Korea, as evidenced by the planned future US strategic nuclear submarine port call in South Korea, and will expand and deepen cooperation between the two militaries.” Instead, it was specified as a “strategic nuclear submarine calling in Korea.”
Regarding the “Korean-style nuclear umbrella,” a high-ranking official in the presidential office of President Yoon said right before his visit to the United States, “The two governments are considering a plan to stipulate that the United States will respond with nuclear weapons in response to a nuclear attack on South Korean territory. ”News 1 reported.
President Yoon asked the Biden administration for a’retaliation attack on North Korea’s nuclear weapons’, which was rejected, and it seems that a nuclear submarine call and a ban on South Korea’s independent nuclear weapons development were exchanged.
As for the US nuclear strategy, the Clinton administration, the Democratic Party, distinguished between a nuclear attack on the United States and a nuclear attack on its allies, and the Republican Party is attempting to expand its strategy to use US nuclear weapons in the event of weapons of mass destruction against its allies. It seems to be a preparation for the Republican Party's election in the US presidential election.
President Yoon’s remarks about the use of US nuclear weapons are in concert with the Republican Party’s policy, and in the context of the Democratic Party’s “mistake in denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula” in the presidential election campaign, it amounts to “abandonment of South Korea’s nuclear weapons development control policy.”
President Biden’s remarks about the “end of North Korea” left a gap with “an attack on North Korea using nuclear weapons,” and President Yoon changed the expression to “use of US nuclear weapons.”
In a briefing on the 26th, a senior US official said, "The decision to use nuclear weapons is entirely the sole authority of the US president," and South Korea announced its intention to abide by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and excluded 'self-nuclear armament'.
This official from the anonymous briefing said on the same day that he “notified China in advance” in response to an inquiry about “China’s objection” to the US strategic nuclear submarine’s call in Korea, implying continued provision of information to China about the nuclear submarine’s call in Korea.
The Biden regime is expected to address the “denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula” through a nuclear deterrence strategy at the G7 summit in Hiroshima next month.
Previously, the G7 foreign affairs talks in Japan dealt with North Korea's violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
The Biden administration is attempting to deter the Chinese navy and secure a base in northern Australia for US nuclear submarines by selling US Virginia-class nuclear submarines to Australia. .
Due to the trilateral AUKUS agreement between the United States, Britain and Australia, initially support for the construction of Australian nuclear submarines suddenly changed to purchase and sale of US nuclear submarines. and Soviet submarines are being converted into competition arenas.

The Kim Yeom-sang administration, which had clashed before the US presidential election with the South Korean government as a pro-Republican party and the United States as a Democratic system, supported the Republican Party in the US elections in 1994 with Clinton's North Korean nuclear negotiation strategy as 'unfortunate to war'. this was reinforced
As the Yoon Seok-yeol system gradually strengthens support for the Republican candidate election ahead of the US presidential election next year in the Biden Democratic Party system, tensions on the Korean Peninsula are expected to rise further with the'nuclear war immortality' at the fore.

The joint statement by the US and ROK leaders stated, “The two countries agreed to cooperate with the UN Security Council and the international community to respond to violations of UN Security Council resolutions by North Korea and individuals and organizations. President Biden and President Yoon reaffirm their commitment to complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, and reaffirm that North Korea's nuclear test will face a strong and resolute response from the international community>.

In a joint statement released in May of last year, <the two leaders urged all UN member states to fully implement all UN Security Council resolutions, and North Korea to abide by its obligations under UN Security Council resolutions and existing commitments and agreements>, 'denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula' has been added

Regarding the Taiwan Strait, the joint statement said, “The two leaders reaffirmed the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait as an essential element of security and prosperity in the region. The two leaders strongly opposed any unilateral attempt to change the status quo in the Indo-Pacific, including illegal claims of territorial sovereignty over the sea, militarization of landfill areas, and coercive acts.”

The joint statement in May of last year was <The two leaders stressed the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait as a key factor in security and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region>.

The 2002 Nuclear Posture Review under the Bush administration of the Republican Party expanded the concept of tactical nuclear weapons capable of preemptive nuclear strikes against non-nuclear states.

<The U.S. monopoly on North Korea’s regime guarantees China’s blockade operation, see September 9, 2019> <Australia Nuclear Submarine Accelerates Competition to Deter China and Securing US Nuclear Submarine Base, March 10, 2023>