
Yoon Seok-yeol, Park Min-sik, ‘The Korea-US alliance was founded’, Liberation Chairman, ‘Opposition to 1948, the first year of the Provisional Government’​

김종찬안보 2023. 8. 11. 13:10

Yoon Seok-yeol, Park Min-sik, ‘The Korea-US alliance was founded’, Liberation Chairman, ‘Opposition to 1948, the first year of the Provisional Government’

President Yoon Seok-yeol and Minister of Veterans Affairs Park Min-sik presented the position of ‘founding a nation by Rhee Syng-man of the ROK-US alliance’, and Lee Jong-chan, chairman of the Liberation Committee, opposed the ‘1948 founding theory’ from the ‘first year of the Provisional Government’, confirming the gap.

The Japanese press reported on the 11th that President Yoon would agree to “annualize the trilateral joint military training” as a joint statement at the Korea-US-Japan Summit on the 18th at the US presidential villa and agree to “discharge treated water” to Japan.
President Yoon said on the 9th, "Our independence movement was a national founding movement to create a free democratic country where the people are the owners."
Regarding Syngman Rhee, the founding father, Minister Park said, “Former President Lee is a monumental figure in modern history who was responsible for the independence movement and national defense as well as the future of the Republic of Korea through the ROK-US alliance. He said on the 10th that he was responsible for the identity of the Republic of Korea as the Minister of Patriots and Veterans Affairs.
President Yoon said on the 10th, "The Republic of Korea will ensure true peace and safeguard the values of liberal democracy through strong solidarity with the UNC member states, with the strong ROK-US alliance as the core axis." power" and 'anti-state forces' have been insisting on the dissolution of the UNC, he said at the UNC meeting.
On the 1st, Lee Jong-chan, chairman of the Liberation Committee, said, “The development of Korea today began with the 1919 Gimi Declaration of Independence. The theory of the founding of a nation in 1948 dismembered the continuity of history and arrogantly replaced it with the 'Rhee Syngman Theory'. Are you trying to get the president down? If such a monster memorial hall is built, the Liberation Association will oppose it,” he said.
In a speech to the US Congress, President Yoon said, “The values of freedom and solidarity, which were the foundation of the Korean Constitution, were widely introduced to us through the efforts of American missionaries at the end of the 19th century. After that, it had a great impact on the independence and founding movement of our people,” he said on April 27, saying, “Korea will move forward with the United States into the future.”
President Yoon continued, “When I took office last year, I fulfilled my calling to make the Republic of Korea a country where the people are the owners based on liberal democracy and a market economy, and to make it a respected country and a proud motherland that fulfills its role and responsibility as a dignified member of the international community. “The Republic of Korea, together with the United States, will play the role of a 'compass of freedom' that protects and expands the freedom of citizens around the world," he said.
On the 10th, Minister Park said, “Chairman Lee also strongly agrees with the establishment of the memorial hall. Chairman Lee's great-grandfather, independence activist Lee Si-young, served as the first vice president during the Rhee Syng-man administration, so he is knowledgeable about former President Lee's activities. When we talk to each other, we agree about 95% with my thoughts,” he said in an interview with the Hankook Ilbo.
Minister Park continued, “I asked Chairman Lee directly, but he does not support the 1919 founding theory either. I have the idea that 1919 was the first year of the Republic of Korea, when the Provisional Government was established and transitioned from a monarchy to a democratic republic, but not the founding of a nation.”
Chairman Lee said at the proclamation ceremony on the 1st, “President Moon Jae-in said that the establishment of the Provisional Government in April 1919 was the founding of the Republic of Korea, but I also do not agree with this. The country already existed, and the correct answer was that the Republic of Korea was adopted as the first charter, and the empire developed into a nation, but it was not established. This year is a short period of 4356 years, and the history of Korea has continued since then,” he said.
The UNC was established on the basis of UN Security Council Resolution 84 adopted in July, right after the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950, and has been tasked with maintaining the armistice system in the signing of the Armistice Agreement between the US and China.
In a speech to the US Congress, President Yoon said, "The ROK-US alliance is an alliance of values based on the universal values of freedom, human rights and democracy."
President Yoon continued at Harvard University, saying, "The ROK-US alliance is not a contractual relationship of convenience to meet and part based on profit, but a 'value alliance' based on the universal value of liberal democracy." . There can be no concept of solidarity among people who are ruled by someone without freedom. Even if there is a phenomenon that seems to be like that, it is by order,” he said.

The Yomiuri Shimbun reported on the 11th that the joint statement of the Korea-US-Japan summit to be held on the 18th at the US president's villa includes "an annual joint military exercise among the three countries."

A Japanese government official told the Asahi Shimbun on the 6th that the trilateral summit will “explain the safety of treated water and announce plans to begin discharging it to the sea from the end of August” in the treatment of nuclear power plants in Japan.

Regarding the discharge at the end of August, Yomiuri reported that “trawl fishing will begin in September off the coast of Fukushima, northeast of Tokyo, and the government plans to start releasing it before the fishing season begins,” making a decision to discharge contaminated water at the trilateral summit. announced on the 6th.

In an online briefing on the 9th, White House NSC Strategic Communications Coordinator John Kirby said about the US-Korea-Japan Summit (18th), “Japan and South Korea are also building a closer bilateral relationship. "It's good for us, it's good for them, it's good for the region," he said. "Camp David has historically been used as a venue for summits and important foreign policy talks."

In the '2023 Defense White Paper', the Japanese government said, "The territorial issues of the northern territories (four Kuril Islands) and Takeshima (Takeshima, Dokdo), which are indigenous territories of Korea (Japan), still exist in an unresolved state." A Russian aircraft was drawn in the description of 'Takeshima Airspace Violation (2019)' at the location of Dokdo on the map of 'Military Trends'.

At the 2026 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference 1st Preparatory Committee meeting held in Vienna, the adoption of the "Chairman's Summary Plan" for "support for discharge of treated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant" proposed by Japan was adopted. canceled on the 11th.

At the NPT meeting in Vienna, China objected to the IAEA report on “Japan treated water” and South Korea agreed.

Yomiuri reported on the 13th that the U.S. and Japan will agree to jointly develop an anti-missile with a hypersonic warhead developed by China, Russia and North Korea at a trilateral summit on the 18th.
The United States and Japan agreed to consider developing a hypersonic interceptor at a meeting between the defense ministers on the 4th of January.

The three-country summit meeting at the US presidential villa on August 18 seems to be a procedure for sympathizing with the Yoon Seok-yeol regime for the restoration of Japan's Indo-Pacific security governance from the signing of Japan's surrender on August 15, 1945.