
India G20 joint declaration of transition to ‘consensus system’ President Yoon ‘supports Ukraine election’

김종찬안보 2023. 9. 10. 13:48

India G20 joint declaration of transition to ‘consensus system’ President Yoon ‘supports Ukraine election’

The G20 Summit in India converted the international community into a ‘consensus system’ and specified ‘different evaluation understandings’ in the declaration.

Contrary to the joint declaration's neutrality, President Yoon stepped forward to support Ukraine's elections next year.
India's G20 approved joining the African Union (AU), stating in a joint declaration labeling it the 'Ukraine War' that "there were different views and assessments" on food and energy supply.
“We urge all states to safeguard the principles of international law, including territorial integrity and sovereignty, international humanitarian law, and the multilateral system that safeguards peace and stability,” the joint declaration said. “We support Ukraine’s comprehensive, fair and sustainable peace.” “We welcome all appropriate and constructive initiatives.”
Citing the United Nations Charter, the declaration states that "All States shall refrain from the threat or use of force to pursue territorial acquisition contrary to territorial integrity, sovereignty or political independence. The use or threat of use of nuclear weapons is unacceptable."
The declaration went on to highlight “the human suffering and negative impacts of the war in Ukraine,” labeling it as “the war in Ukraine,” and stating that “there were different views and evaluations” when it came to emphasizing the negative impacts on food and energy supplies.

At the G20 Summit on the 10th, contrary to the joint declaration of ‘neutrality’, President Yoon announced $2.3 billion in support through Korea’s Economic Cooperation Fund (EDCF) in the name of supporting the reconstruction of peace in Ukraine.

Ukraine will have to hold elections next year while at war, and President Zelensky has officially requested financial support from the West for election costs. President Yoon's Ukraine will receive $300 million next year and $2 billion in funding by 2025. Zelensky's advance announcement of the international convention is It appears to be electoral support for the system.

In Ukraine, the October parliamentary elections have been postponed and the presidential election is scheduled for March next year.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called the declaration a "success for India's diplomacy" and told reporters, "What is important is that Russia has given up resistance and signed an agreement that mentions Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity."
“The EU has not given up its position and the fact that Russia has signed the agreement is important,” a senior EU official said. “At least we know once again that if they do not implement it, we cannot rely on them.” “There is,” he told the AP.
“The agreed text has a balanced view of the situation,” Russian negotiator Svetlana Lukash told The Associated Press in response to discussion of the Ukraine-related portion of the final statement, adding that “Ukraine was not the only point of contention on which the statement was reached.”
He went on to say about the negotiations, “Western countries tried to force the idea that ‘it is the Ukraine conflict that is causing all the current crises in the world.’”
The AP said, “There was widespread support for adding the African Union (AU) to the G20, becoming the second regional bloc after the EU to become a permanent member, echoing Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s drive to give the global South a greater voice.” evaluated.
Yomiuri commented on the declaration agreement on the 10th, saying, "This can be said to be the result of India's efforts to avoid division as the chair country carrying out comprehensive diplomacy, and it also showed some consideration toward Russia and avoided direct criticism."
As chairman, India made it a focus of the summit to pay more attention to addressing the needs of developing countries, and as it proved impossible for the West to separate food and energy security issues from the war in Ukraine at the summit, the G20 declaration ended with Russia and Ukraine called for the resumption of shipments of grain, food and fertilizer and said there was a need to feed people in Africa and other parts of the developing world.
AP said, “As India’s regional rival China becomes increasingly assertive in the Asia-Pacific region, the United States is seeking to strengthen relations with India and other countries,” adding, “The United States, India, the EU, and others will discuss economic growth and political issues on the 9th.” “To strengthen cooperation, we announced an ambitious plan to build a railway and shipping corridor linking India and the Middle East to Europe,” the report said.
The joint declaration called on the climate agreement to accelerate efforts toward “phasing out unabated coal power generation,” but exempted it from the obligation, saying “this must be consistent with national circumstances and recognize the need to support a just transition.” did.