
North Korea 'contacts' with US to expel detained US soldiers just before declaring 'new cold war' with nuclear weapons

김종찬안보 2023. 9. 28. 20:40

The day before North Korea declared a ‘new cold war with nuclear weapons,’ it officially expelled American soldiers who had defected to North Korea from Panmunjom, making its first contact with the United States.

White House National Security Advisor Sullivan said in a statement on the 27th, “American officials took over Private Travis King from North Korea. In addition, the Swedish government, which played a diplomatic role as a country protecting American interests in North Korea, and China, which facilitated Private Travis King’s passage. “I would also like to express my gratitude to the government,” he said.

Previously, the U.S. government officially confirmed on this day that it had secured the new identity of Private Travis King, a U.S. soldier who defected to North Korea.

North Korea's Supreme People's Assembly said on the 27th that lawmakers unanimously approved a new article in the constitution that "guarantees the nation's right to existence and development, deters war, and protects regional and global peace by rapidly developing nuclear weapons to a higher level." The Korean Central News Agency announced on the 28th.

U.S. officials told the New York Times on the 28th that the U.S. learned a few weeks ago from Sweden, which acts as a diplomatic intermediary for the U.S. in North Korea, that North Korea had decided to expel Private King.

A senior White House official said, “From this (the decision to expel North Korea), indirect negotiations between the United States and North Korea began, including a meeting between U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi at a high-level meeting held in Malta this month. “Direct discussions with China have begun,” he said.

U.S. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said that U.S. Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns took over Private King, who had been transferred to Dandong, China. Private King was transferred to the U.S. Air Force Base in Osan, South Korea via Shenyang, China, on a State Department plane, and then from Osan to the U.S. Department of Defense. He said he was on a plane heading to the airport.

“China did not act as a mediator,” Miller said. “Instead, their role was to provide transit and facilitate passage, and we are very grateful for that. “I would like to express my gratitude to the Chinese government as well as the Swedish government.”

Private King defected to North Korea by crossing the Military Demarcation Line (MDL) during a tour of the Joint Security Area (JSA) in Panmunjom on July 18, and on the 71st day, he was handed over to the United States following North Korea's decision to deport him.

A senior U.S. government official said in a Voice of America (VOA) briefing, “Private King crossed the North Korean border with Chinese officials, and China played a role in facilitating the passage. “I want to make it clear that China did not play any other mediating role in this matter,” he said. When asked whether he had made any concessions to North Korea in return for repatriation, he answered, “Nothing.”

The Associated Press said, “North Korean leader Kim Jong-un called for an exponential increase in nuclear weapons production and a greater role in a coalition of nations confronting the United States in a ‘new cold war,’ state media said on the 28th.” “It was reported on the 28th that this was said at a meeting held over two days to amend the Constitution to include the National Assembly’s nuclear weapons program expansion policy.”

In an article titled ‘Analysis: By North Korean standards, Private Travis King’s release from custody was quick,’ the AP said, “King’s case is particularly noteworthy as he was one of the 28,500 U.S. troops stationed in South Korea to thwart a potential invasion by nuclear-armed North Korea.” “King’s release comes as North Korean leader Kim Jong-un actively seeks to strengthen his partnership with Moscow and Beijing as he attempts to break out of diplomatic isolation and put Pyongyang in a united front against Washington.” .

In a speech to the Supreme People's Assembly, North Korean Chairman Kim said, "The Democratic People's Republic of Korea's policy of building nuclear weapons has been made permanent as the country's basic law, and no one can ridicule anything," and used the initials of North Korea's official name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. He directly changed the name of South Korea to ‘Republic of Korea’.

Chairman Kim continued, “The threat posed by the hostile United States is growing, and military cooperation with South Korea and Japan is expanding. “We are creating an Asian version of NATO, which is the root cause of war and aggression,” he criticized.

At last year's People's Assembly, North Korea passed a new nuclear doctrine into law authorizing a preemptive nuclear attack if the North Korean leadership is perceived to be under threat.

On the 27th, President Yoon Seok-yeol held a 2km large-scale military parade in downtown Seoul for the first time in 10 years and said to North Korea, "If North Korea uses nuclear weapons, the overwhelming response of the ROK-US alliance will spell the end of the North Korean regime." He gave a speech to the soldiers.