
U.S. Republican-Democrat standoff Shutdown Presidential primary ‘Congressional budget rights’ Lee Jae-myung’s ‘ignorance’

김종찬안보 2023. 9. 30. 22:51

U.S. Republican-Democrat standoff Shutdown Presidential primary ‘Congressional budget rights’ Lee Jae-myung’s ‘ignorance’

As the U.S. House of Representatives failed for the fourth time on the night of the 29th on a bill to fund the federal government, the federal government shutdown began on October 1, and the 'proposal for people's livelihood talks' by many opposition party leaders in Korea was 'seriously undermined'. was rejected.
Most of the House Republicans who voted against House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's stopgap spending bill have been thorns in his side since before he was elected speaker, and they tend to cluster ideologically on the far right of the political spectrum, the NYT reports. revealed.
The New York Times reports that the 21 Republicans who voted against McCarthy's proposed stopgap spending bill received support from the campaign arm of the House Freedom Caucus during last year's midterm elections, and members of the group are serving in Congress for the first time. NYT said about this.
“Republicans on McCarthy’s right have refused to support the bill, saying it is insufficient despite steep spending cuts of nearly 30 percent for many agencies and severe border security provisions,” the AP said. “The White House and Democrats have rejected the Republican approach.” “It was rejected as too extreme, and the vote was 198-232, with 21 hard-right Republicans voting to sink the package.”
In Korea, with a two-party political structure imitating the United States, the Democratic Party's representative with a majority of seats called for 'people's livelihood talks' three times, but this was neutralized on the 30th due to the People Power Party's response to 'Lee Jae-myeong, an unqualified criminal suspect.'
The Korean Democratic Party's majority of seats, far more than the narrow Republican Party seats in the United States, clearly exposed the Korean National Assembly, where American-style parliamentary democracy has been reduced to a servant of the president's administration.
The American-style 'budget approval right', the highest power of parliamentary democracy, was removed only from Korea, and the Korean National Assembly was changed to a constitutional 'obligation to vote within a deadline', transforming it into an obligatory organ of the executive branch. This changed Korea from a cold war system under the US security umbrella to an administrative dictatorship. Contributed to the application of bureaucrat-led development dictatorship and capital dictatorship models.
As soon as the floor debate began, the hard-right Republican Party announced that it would vote against the package, with Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, McCarthy's chief Republican critic, urging "not to surrender," and it was rejected in the House.
Regarding Rep. Gaetz, the AP said, “The hard right, led by Gaetz, is threatening to oust Speaker McCarthy ahead of a vote to remove him from the speakership unless he meets conservative demands,” adding, “Some Republicans, including Gaetz, “The supporters are allies of Trump, Biden’s main rival in 2024, and the former president has encouraged Republicans to fight hard for their priorities and even “shut them down,” he said, singling out Trump as the mastermind behind the strategy to shut down the federal government.
As for the far-right Republicans, the NYT said, "They voted against McCarthy multiple times, nearly sabotaging his ambitions to become speaker, and many of them were among those who opposed his stopgap funding measures on the 29th." He said.
Regarding the ‘destruction’ of parliamentary democracy, the NYT said, “About a dozen rioters brought the House of Representatives to a halt by refusing to take procedural steps (the usual simple party votes) to set the rules for legislative debate.”
In Korea, where the right to approve the budget of the National Assembly is excluded, party politics is completely impossible as the National Assembly stipulates that only the President and the National Assembly can issue ‘executive orders with the effect of law’ in the event of a ‘financial and economic emergency.’
Article 76, Paragraph 3 of the Constitution states, “When a disposition or order is made, it must be reported to the National Assembly without delay to obtain approval,” but this is only a formality.
Actual presidential power is determined by Article 75 of the Constitution, “The President may issue presidential decrees regarding matters delegated by a specific scope in the law and matters necessary for executing the law.” President Yoon Seok-yeol is actively using this to implement a strategy to neutralize the large allowance.
Unlike the American Democratic Party's method of abolishing subordinate command ordinances if they are unconstitutional, under the hard-line conservative Reagan regime, public power was strengthened by replacing laws with abuse of orders and ordinances, and the financial crisis was caused by frequent riots due to abuse of public power and the twin deficits of worsening fiscal deficit. exploded.
The president of the Heritage Foundation revealed in a media interview that Reaganomics' strategy of neutralizing majority-dominated Congress was advised to President Yoon by the Heritage Foundation.
The only provision that the Korean National Assembly holds in check on the President is from Chapter 4, 'Government', Section 1, 'President' of the Constitution, to Article 66, Paragraph ③, which reads, "The President has a sincere duty for the peaceful unification of the country" and "Duty of Faithful Unification for Peaceful Unification." ' was specified.
Article 69 of the Constitution, ‘The President shall take the following oath upon inauguration’, states, “I will observe the Constitution, defend the country, strive for the peaceful unification of the fatherland, promote the freedom and welfare of the people, and develop national culture, so that I may become President.” It specifically stated, “I solemnly swear before the people that I will faithfully perform my duties.”
At an event commemorating Armed Forces Day on the 26th, President Yoon said, “If North Korea uses nuclear weapons, we will put an end to the North Korean regime through an overwhelming response from the ROK-US alliance.”
President Yoon said in an AP interview on the 16th, "Our two countries (South Korea and the United States) reaffirmed that any nuclear attack by North Korea will be met with a rapid, overwhelming and decisive response that will bring about the end of the North Korean regime," and headed to the United States.
Regarding Article 86 of the Constitution, which is the National Assembly's only check on the President, <① The Prime Minister is appointed by the President with the consent of the National Assembly>, President Lee Jae-myung, who was defeated before being elected to the National Assembly, requested the Democratic Party's 'consent to appoint Han Deok-soo', and Prime Minister Han said, ' By signing a contract with the United States, Korea has become a faithful implementer of the 'reduction of political self-determination rights' through internal reform.
On the 29th, Representative Lee posted on Facebook, "Let's stop political strife and concentrate on resolving the people's livelihood at least until the regular session of the National Assembly (end) in December. The president and the opposition party leader should meet without conditions to discuss the people's livelihood and state affairs openly, and what can be done will be done." “I hope we can do it quickly,” he said.
Representative Lee previously announced the formation of a special committee on democracy and people's livelihood at the Democratic Party leader's inauguration press conference and requested a 'committee meeting between leaders of the people's livelihood', but this was ignored, and another proposal for 'a meeting between leaders of the people's livelihood' ended in a helpless manner.

While Representative Lee was fasting, the Democratic Party exercised its authority under the National Assembly under Article 63 of the Constitution to propose the dismissal of Prime Minister Han.

The number of seats by political party in the 21st National Assembly started with 300 seats, with the Democratic Party of Korea having 163 seats, the People Power Party having 84 seats, and the Justice Party having 6 seats. As of August, the ratio is 298 seats, the Democratic Party has 168 seats, and the National Power Party has 111 seats, and the Justice Party has 6 seats.
In the U.S. House of Representatives, on January 7, pro-Trump Republican leader Kevin McCarthy was elected with 216 votes, a 4-vote margin over Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries (212 votes).
The U.S. House of Representatives has a majority of 218 seats out of 435 (currently 1 seat vacant), and the Republican Party has 4 seats with 222 members.