
Five Western countries ‘support Israel’ Yoon Seok-yeol ‘international conflict’ Jerusalem media ‘Netanyahu is responsible’

김종찬안보 2023. 10. 10. 13:03

Five Western countries ‘support Israel’ Yoon Seok-yeol ‘international conflict’ Jerusalem media ‘Netanyahu is responsible’

While Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu referred to the Hamas attack as 'barbarians' and five countries including the United States, Britain, France, Germany and Italy responded to the Jerusalem conflict by 'supporting Israel', President Yoon Seok-yeol announced the 'possibility of international conflict' at a cabinet meeting broadcast to the public on the 10th. .
Jerusalem media published editorials that held Netanyahu responsible and criticized the far-right government, saying, “Netanyahu’s preoccupation with judicial reform (weakening the Supreme Court) is the reason he missed signs of Hamas’ rocket attacks.”
Israel's far-right Netanyahu government restricted civil rights through absolute superiority in the executive branch by weakening the Supreme Court, and opposing citizens responded with fierce protests, continuing the strategy of 'ignoring internationally by highlighting domestically.'
In a televised speech on the evening of the 9th, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that among those kidnapped were children, women and survivors of the Holocaust (genocide of Jews) by Nazi Germany, and called Hamas "barbarians."
The five leaders of the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Italy announced a joint statement through a telephone conference on the 9th, expressing “unwavering support” for Israel and “condemnation of Hamas’ terrorist acts.”
On the 10th, President Yoon told the public through a cabinet meeting live-broadcast, "As Iran and Hezbollah support Hamas and the United States, Britain, France, and Germany support Israel's right to self-defense, there is a possibility that this situation may escalate into an international conflict." “It cannot be ruled out,” he said.

A joint statement from the five Western countries said, “We will support Israel’s efforts to protect its country and people from such atrocities,” and added, “As allies and friends, we seek conditions that will enable Israel to defend itself and ultimately create a peaceful and unified Middle East.” “We will cooperate to create a calming situation,” he said.
The joint statement specifically distinguished between Hamas, which led the attacks, and the Palestinian Authority, saying, “We all recognize the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people, but Hamas does not represent those aspirations and only serves the Palestinian people with greater fear and bloodshed.” “He said.
The Financial Times reported on the 10th that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said, “We will stand on the side of Palestine and work to stop the conflict,” and conveyed to the Palestinians his position that “there is a need to look at international law and prevent massacres of civilians.”
Jerusalem newspaper Haaretz criticized the government in an editorial on the 8th, saying, “Netanyahu is clearly responsible for this disaster,” calling it a “historic failure.”
Yomiuri said, “The Netanyahu government, which was inaugurated in December of last year, has the most right-wing tendency in history, forming a coalition with far-right and religious forces that support the annexation of the West Bank,” and “Netanyahu is an ‘expert in security measures’ with a hard-line stance on Palestine.” “As a result, we gained a certain sense of stability from the public, but this situation (Hamas attack) destroyed that credibility,” it was reported on the 9th.
"I had no idea Hamas had that many rockets," Ephraim Halevi, Mossad's former intelligence chief, told CNN on the 9th.
“I managed to save myself by quietly hiding in a shelter,” Yomiuri Jerusalem correspondent said in a local article. “I managed to save myself,” said a person living in Nahal Oz, a kibbutz (Israeli farming community) 3km east of the Gaza border where Hamas fighters invaded. Amir Tibbon, a 34-year-old office worker, told Haaretz about the incident.
Tiburn, his wife, and their two daughters, ages 4 and 2, hid in a shelter without electricity as they waited for help. Despite fears that speaking would lead to Hamas fighters recognizing them, the young daughters continued to hide their voices and were captured by Israeli forces about 10 hours later rescued by, Some residents died in surrounding kibbutzim and settlements.
Yomiuri said, “Some people in Israel pointed out that the military's rescue was slow,” and “Noam Tiburn, a 61-year-old reserve general who went to the rescue with his military unit in Tel Aviv, criticized the Israeli military's attitude, saying, ‘This situation needs to be investigated.’ “Questions were raised,” it was reported on the 9th.
Yomiuri said, “For the Netanyahu regime, the attack appears to have been unexpected.”
The judicial reform aimed at weakening internal opponents, which the Netanyahu administration focused on, was a ‘judicial reform’ that attempted to ‘weaken the power of the Supreme Court,’ and Israeli citizens spread their response with large-scale protests against the judicial reform and a broad civil movement rejecting the reserve fund.
Yomiuri said, “This situation is bound to further increase dissatisfaction with the Netanyahu administration.” Immediately after the incident, Prime Minister Netanyahu sent a letter to Yail Rapido, the leader of the main opposition party, and former Defense Minister Benny Gantz. There was an urgent call to join a national unity government, and Lapid was positive, saying, 'We must unite against our enemies.'

At the New York summit with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on the 20th of last month, President Yoon said, "The two countries, which share the values of liberal democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, will pursue joint research in future innovation fields and pursue defense cooperation in various fields such as missile defense and cyber security." “We decided to pursue this,” he said, announcing the agreement on “solidarity for freedom values.”

The Asahi Shimbun reported on the 11th that Japanese Prime Minister Kishida began coordinating telephone discussions with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Abbas regarding the Hamas attack.

Immediately after the outbreak of the incident, the Japanese government did not participate in the joint statement of the five countries, used the term 'attack kidnapping' instead of 'terrorist kidnapping', and issued a statement requesting restraint from both sides of Israel's Hamas.

Internationally, maintaining an international hard-line conservative system by creating domestic enemies and strengthening attacks on opposing citizens has become common in the Netanyahu administration and the Yoon Seok-yeol administration.