
Yoon Seok-yeol's declaration of independence, 'national freedom and development', 'liberalism' falsification, Lee Jae-myeong's cooperation

김종찬안보 2024. 3. 2. 14:04

Yoon Seok-yeol's declaration of independence, 'national freedom and development', 'liberalism' falsification, Lee Jae-myeong's cooperation

President Yoon Seok-yeol altered the phrase ‘national freedom development’ in the Declaration of Independence into ‘expansion of liberalism.’ and Representative Lee Jae-myung coordinated by emphasizing ‘freedom.’

In his 31st Parade commemoration speech, President Yoon said, “At the root of the Declaration of Independence was (omitted) ‘liberalism,’” and directly quoted the Declaration of Independence’s statement, “Our people seek to develop freely forever.”
The Declaration of Independence stated, “We insist on making a difference for the continued free development of our people, and we move forward in parallel with the great fortunes of world transformation caused by the expression of human conscience.” .
The translation was expressed by Namu Wiki as <This is an assertion for the eternal development of national freedom, in line with the great opportunity and fortune of world reform rooted in the exercise of humanity's conscience>.
The Declaration of Independence appears to have stated ‘for the eternal free development of the nation.’
President Yoon directly quoted this part, saying, “Our people wants to develop freely forever, and we want to keep pace with the great trend of world change that humanity is making according to its conscience.”> and continued, “The root of the Declaration of Independence lies in the principles of the time.” “There was ‘liberalism,’ which was a major trend in world history,” he said in a speech on the 1st.
In his speech based on this quotation, President Yoon said, "The Declaration of Independence is aimed at Japan (omitted). Now, Korea and Japan are overcoming the painful past and heading toward a 'new world' (omitted), sharing the values of freedom, human rights, and the rule of law and common interests." He declared in his commemorative speech on the 31st that he has become a partner who pursues and cooperates for world peace and prosperity.
In this part, President Yoon translated the declaration of 'eternal free development of the people' in the recovery of 'national self-respect' and 'humanism', which was the declaration of independence of a colonial country in the era of imperialism, as 'free development' and adapted it into a 'movement to spread liberalism'. .
President Yoon's 'Korea-Japan Freedom Values Alliance' said in his speech on this day, <If the blood shed by our ancestors soaks the ground and sprouts freedom,> <Our ancestors who devoted themselves to the freedom and prosperity of our country> <With the belief in freedom in our hearts. We focused on “Embrace”, “Korea celebrates freedom and prosperity”, and “I and the government protect the value of freedom, the spirit of the March 1st Movement.”
The conclusion of President Yoon's commemorative speech was <The March 1st Movement finally ended with unification where everyone enjoys freedom and abundance> <So that North Korean defectors can enjoy freedom and prosperity with us> <Let's expand freedom by revitalizing the spirit of the Declaration of Independence. We must expand peace and move forward on the path to prosperity. “Toward unification at the end of the road” corresponds to the declaration of “expanding freedom.”

Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myeong, in contrast to his hard-line response last year, saying, “Our founding ideals and constitutional spirit have been completely denied through the words of the President,” said of President Yoon’s ‘expansion of freedom’ commemorative speech this year, “There is a resounding message of independence, freedom, and equality on that land.” The focus of the Declaration of Independence was changed to “freedom.” 

Representative Lee said at the Supreme Council on March 3 last year, “The Yoon Seok-yeol administration’s view of history has reached a point where it cannot be tolerated,” and “Our founding ideals and constitutional spirit have been completely denied through the mouth of the President of the Republic of Korea.” In this year’s ‘Freedom,’ Yoon Seok-yeol said, cooperated with the system.

Representative Lee said on the 1st, “It was the day when the loud cries of independence, freedom, and equality rang out over the very land that had lost its sovereignty due to invasion.” He continued, “After 105 years, the dream of independence, freedom, and equality has been realized.” “It is a way to properly respond to the dedication of our ancestors who never lost their dream for the country,” he said on Facebook.

The Encyclopedia of National Culture evaluates the Declaration of Independence as <presenting a method for developing independent independence through national self-determination in a non-violent and peaceful way based on humanitarianism> and uses the background as <U.S. President Wilson (T.W.)'s Nationality. When the principle of selfdetermination was announced, national leaders thought that there was an opportunity to launch an independence movement, and efforts to pursue it appeared, specifying 'humanitarianism' and 'national self-respect'.
The <Three Promises> added to the Declaration of Independence reads, “Today, the death of five people is a national demand for justice, humanity, survival, and prosperity. We will exercise only a free spirit and never with exclusive feelings.” It was clearly stated, “Do not circumnavigate.”
Pledge No. 1 specifies the four demands of the people: ‘justice, guidance, survival, and preservation’, and ‘liberal spirit’, ‘rejection of exclusivity’, and ‘harmony’ are the basic values.
Article 2 of the ‘Three Pledges’ clearly states the ‘spirit of freedom’ as <willingly announce the legitimate will of the nation to the last man, even to the last detail>, and Article 3 states that “all actions must respect the utmost order.” It was stated, “Do it.”

Regarding liberalism, ‘Wikipedia’ is a political ideology that recognizes the dignity of the individual’s personality and seeks to guarantee the freedom of individual economic and social activities within the scope of not causing harm to others. It is a social philosophical ideology that regards freedom as the highest political and social value.”