
Cho Tae-yeol ‘mutual cooperation in North Korea’s denuclearization’ Wang Yi ‘dual suspension of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, trust comes first’

김종찬안보 2024. 5. 14. 13:33

Cho Tae-yeol ‘mutual cooperation in North Korea’s denuclearization’ Wang Yi ‘dual suspension of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, trust comes first’


Negotiations broke down after Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yeol told China of China's role and mutual cooperation in North Korea's denuclearization, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi responded by saying, "Priority is given to restoring trust in the unchanging denuclearization policy of the Korean Peninsula."
Minister Cho said, "The main purpose of this visit to China is to solidify common will and trust and to specify the direction of future cooperation," but Wang said that in the Korean Peninsula policy of dual suspension and parallelism, he said, "Stop ROK-U.S. military exercises and negotiate North Korea's denuclearization in parallel." ', which resulted in the breakdown of cooperation in foreign affairs talks.
In a press release on the 13th, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea said that Minister Cho “called for the constructive role of China, a permanent member of the Security Council, for peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and the denuclearization of North Korea.” In response, “Director Wang responded to China’s policy toward the Korean Peninsula.” He said there would be no change and that China would play a constructive role in resolving the Korean Peninsula issue,” confirming that China’s policies of ‘double suspension and parallelism’ of ‘denuclearization of North Korea’ and ‘denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula’ still clash.
According to an announcement from the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Director Wang said, "China and South Korea are close neighbors, and they need to travel back and forth frequently. This is beneficial for both sides to promote cooperation by promoting understanding and strengthening mutual trust." Although he spoke of 'collaboration after strengthening trust', Director Wang stated that 'restoring trust' is the priority.
He went on to emphasize Korea's responsibility by saying, "Recently, the difficulties and challenges facing China-South Korea relations have increased significantly. This does not correspond to the common interests of both sides and is not what China wants."
On the other hand, Minister Cho said, "For the development of relations between the two countries, it is important for both countries to work together, not just one side, and even if there are difficulties, we must continue the momentum of cooperation while carefully managing them." The gap widened due to calls for priority on ‘mutual cooperation’.
Minister Cho said on this day, “For the development of relations between the two countries, it is important for both countries to work together, not just one side, and emphasized that even if there are difficulties, we must continue the momentum of cooperation while carefully managing them.” revealed.
Foreign Minister Wang said, “We must proceed without interference,” and “Korea must stick to the original intention of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, the direction of good neighborliness and friendship, and the goal of mutual cooperation with China,” referring to the “exclusion of the United States” in the relationship between the two countries. has been confirmed.
Regarding the collapse of the North Korea-US summit on February 13, 2018, China's People's Daily said, "It has been confirmed that the dual suspension and twin rail parallelism ideas raised by China are in line with reality and are feasible," and added, "The current situation is moving toward twin rail parallelism." He said.
China's dual suspension (simultaneous suspension of North Korea's provocations and ROK-US joint exercises) and dual track parallelism (simultaneous progress of the Korean Peninsula denuclearization process and peace agreement discussions) are China's Korean Peninsula policies, and the 'China role theory' requested by South Korea ' is interpreted as a response policy.