
Yoon Seok-yeol violates the ‘health protection’ of the Medical Act with ‘national domination of health and life’, showing fascism

김종찬안보 2024. 8. 29. 14:01

Yoon Seok-yeol violates the ‘health protection’ of the Medical Act with ‘national domination of health and life’, showing fascism


President Yoon Seok-yeol violates the ‘health protection’ of the Medical Act with the ‘national domination of the people’s health and life rights’ and shows the establishment of a fascist system by violating the labor law to strengthen management rights.

In a state briefing on the 29th, President Yoon said, “Medical reform is to ensure that the people’s right to life and right to health are fairly guaranteed regardless of where they live in the Republic of Korea and regardless of region,” and “That is the job of the state. There are difficulties, but the answer is in the field and in the details. The government will definitely carry out medical reform together with dedicated medical staff,” announcing the establishment of a ‘national domination of the life and health rights.’

In Article 1 (Purpose) of the ‘Medical Act,’ it stipulates that the purpose is to “protect and promote the health of the people by regulating matters necessary for national medical care so that all people can receive high-quality medical benefits,” and rejects the ‘direct domination of the life and health rights by the state.’ The ‘state direct control of health’ declared by President Yoon on the 29th in the state briefing appears to be a fascist system by government officials that places medical care under the control of government officials.
In Article 1 of the Constitution, the people of the ‘democratic republic’ are ‘producers of power’ and the state’s ‘obligation to guarantee the people’s basic human rights’ under ‘national sovereignty’, thereby denying their ‘right to control life and health. ’
Article 8 of the Constitution states that <All citizens have dignity and value as human beings and the right to pursue happiness. The state has the duty to confirm and guarantee the inviolable basic human rights of individuals. >

On this day, President Yoon applied the principles of the liberal democratic market economy of supply and demand to ‘medical reform,’ and introduced a medical industry fund market system with a supply advantage in anticipation of a shortage of doctors in the future, and revealed the establishment of a monopoly system based on the ‘president’s judgment’ in the hard-line conservative supply expansion of Reaganomics.

President Yoon then said, “I will create a fair labor market where people receive fair compensation for their work. I will enact the ‘Labor Weakness Protection Act’ to directly protect unorganized workers,” infringing on the ‘labor-management autonomy’ of the Labor Act.
Regarding labor reform, President Yoon said, “We must create a virtuous cycle structure that expands the workplace and improves working conditions through fair compensation while making the labor market flexible,” and revealed it as a policy to strengthen the far-right system of freedom of dismissal.
Regarding expanding freedom in the labor market, President Yoon said, “We will expand workers’ choices to allow flexible work in various forms and improve the rigid wage system so that skilled middle-aged and older workers can continue to work,” and revealed labor reform as an infringement on labor law through ‘strengthening management rights’ of employers.

The Labor Act specifically guarantees the three labor rights guaranteed in the Constitution through the Labor Standards Act, the Minimum Standards for Wages, Working Hours, and Restrictions on Dismissal, the Minimum Wage Act, the Industrial Safety and Health Act, the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act, and the Labor Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act, and enforces collective labor-management relations between labor unions and employers. President Yoon said on this day, “If we modernize the system to meet global standards, companies will achieve innovative growth and workers will have more opportunities to work,” confirming his preference for a fascist system by making the capital market, where international freedom of movement is gradually expanding, into the same “liberal democracy” regarding labor rights that make free movement impossible.

On this day, President Yoon said, “If we modernize the system to meet global standards, companies will achieve innovative growth and workers will have more opportunities to work,” and confirmed his preference for a fascist system by making labor that is slow and completely impossible to move into the capital market where international freedom of movement is gradually expanding, into the same ‘free market economy.’
President Yoon transformed the independent national pension into a state-guaranteed bureaucratic private insurance system through ‘differential insurance premiums’ and ‘automatic safety systems.’
President Yoon's pension reform attempt shows the introduction of a 'hardline conservatism of debt economy-dependent arms buildup' that reinforced the extreme Cold War system of the Reagan administration in the 1980s by reducing pension benefits and expanding the national pension deficit into national debt in a bureaucratic management system that stimulated complex 'intergenerational conflict'.