
Trump Security ‘Mobilizing Korea for Taiwan Conflict’ State Department ‘Change in North Korean Residents’ Defense ‘Preemptive Strike’

김종찬안보 2024. 11. 28. 14:59

Trump Security ‘Mobilizing Korea for Taiwan Conflict’ State Department ‘Change in North Korean Residents’ Defense ‘Preemptive Strike’

Under the Trump administration, the nominee for National Security Advisor has previously made remarks such as ‘Mobilizing Korea for Taiwan Conflict’, the nominee for Secretary of State is the proponent of the ‘North Korean Human Rights Act’ in ‘Internal Change through the Power of North Korean Residents’, the nominee for Secretary of Defense made remarks such as ‘Preemptive Strike’, and the nominee for Trade Representative has been revealed to be a hardliner on China and North Korea who has ‘strong measures against Chinese imports’.

Voice of America (VOA), which collected and reported on the remarks related to China by the nominees for National Security Advisor, said, “Congressman Walz, who served in the National Guard as a colonel, has criticized China’s activities in the Asia-Pacific region and argued that the United States should prepare for potential conflicts in the region,” and “He has garnered attention for his remarks that Korea’s role should be clarified in the event of China’s invasion of Taiwan.”

In a March 2022 hearing of the Armed Services Committee, Rep. Waltz said, “I think we do need to take a public posture with the new South Korean government, on what we're prepared to do and what they're prepared to do. An associated question there is, is China going to lean on the North Korean government to ramp up tensions and tie those forces down in the Taiwan strait scenario.” VOA released a recording on the 26th saying. Fox News commentator Pete Hegseth, nominated for Secretary of Defense, said in recent podcasts and TV broadcasts about China that China is strengthening its military with a particular focus on defeating the United States. VOA reported that he also emphasized the merits of a preemptive strike in August 2017 on Fox News regarding the North Korea issue, saying, “It has to be done right, it has to be decisive, and it has to be comprehensive.”

Senator Marco Rubio, nominated for Secretary of State, is a member of the Foreign Affairs and Intelligence Committees and is a “representative ‘China hawk’ in Congress.” “China imposed sanctions on Rubio for his strong criticism of the Hong Kong democracy protests in 2020, and Rubio is famous for introducing a bill to ban imports into the United States of products produced through forced labor by China’s treatment of Uyghurs and for pushing a bill to revoke the accreditation of Hong Kong’s U.S. economic and trade offices,” VOA reported.
Robio is the nominee. In the Senate, he introduced the ‘North Korea Human Rights Act Reauthorization Bill’ as the representative, and in particular, he reiterated his position to a VOA reporter that “the fundamental solution is to induce internal change through the power of the (North Korean) people.”

John Ratcliffe, the nominee for CIA Director, is a former member of the House of Representatives and stated in a December 2020 Wall Street Journal article that “China clearly intends to dominate the United States and the world economically, militarily, and technologically.”
Regarding the North Korea issue, the nominee for CIA Director said at his 2020 Senate confirmation hearing that “North Korea continues to view nuclear weapons as essential to protecting the regime from military action and securing its position in the international community,” and that “North Korea is likely to trade some nuclear and missile concessions in exchange for sanctions relief and other political and security benefits.”

Alex Wong, the nominee for Deputy National Security Advisor, said at his 2020 Senate Foreign Relations Committee confirmation hearing when he was nominated as the UN Special Envoy for Political Affairs, that “the international community must continue to pressure North Korea.” He emphasized the ‘necessity’ and said, “China should play a greater role in implementing sanctions against North Korea.”
At a Washington event in September 2021, he said, “North Korea is periodically testing the United States and South Korea with cruise missiles and short-range ballistic missiles, and continues to seek opportunities to receive compensation through provocations. The United States should make it clear that North Korea cannot ultimately achieve what it wants, such as regime security and economic development, with such policies, and should further strengthen joint military exercises between the United States and South Korea,” VOA reported.

Attorney-designate Jamison Greer, who was then USTR Lighthizer’s chief of staff in the “$370 billion tariff on China in the first administration,” is a “trade expert who has served as a client of American manufacturers in trade remedies litigation as a lawyer at the law firm ‘King & Spalding.’” He added, “In particular, he has argued that stronger measures are needed for Chinese imports than the Biden administration’s measures to protect strategic industries such as electric vehicles and semiconductors.”