Korean Peninsula Denuclearization 7

Cho Tae-yeol ‘mutual cooperation in North Korea’s denuclearization’ Wang Yi ‘dual suspension of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, trust comes first’

Cho Tae-yeol ‘mutual cooperation in North Korea’s denuclearization’ Wang Yi ‘dual suspension of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, trust comes first’  Negotiations broke down after Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yeol told China of China's role and mutual cooperation in North Korea's denuclearization, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi responded by saying, "Priority is given to restoring trust in the ..

안보 2024.05.14

NATO 'Denuclearization Stability on the Korean Peninsula' Vs President Yoon's 'Liberalism on North Korean Denuclearization'

President Yun Seok-yeol emphasized “freedom” and “denuclearization of North Korea” at the NATO summit, and the NATO summit and the G7 joint declaration shared “denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula” and “peace and stability” in common. In a speech at the NATO Summit on the 29th, President Yoon said, "In order to lead North Korea to the path of denuclearization, it is necessary to clearly show..

카테고리 없음 2022.06.30

Sullivan, Korea-U.S.-Japan summit 'North Korea's foreign currency blockade, South Korea's Financial Supervisory Service'

White House aide Sullivan said about the goals of the three-way summit, "There will be discussions on how to take the foreign currency that North Korea uses to finance its nuclear and missile programs." "Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will visit South Korea next month We will discuss sanctions with South Korean officials,” he said on the 29th. Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said at a press conf..

카테고리 없음 2022.06.29

Korea-US summit agrees to jointly intervene in the Taiwan Strait, the South China Sea, and even Chinese rights

In the joint statement resulting from the Korea-US summit, they agreed to intervene in freedom of navigation in the South China Sea beyond the Taiwan Strait, and even agreed to intervene in “Indo-Pacific human rights” targeting China and to respond to third countries through a trilateral system. The joint statement of the Korea-US summit in May last year was 'Peace and Stability in the Taiwan St..

카테고리 없음 2022.05.21

Jin Park’s ‘China Economic Cooperation on North Korea’s denuclearization’, the U.S. confronts the ‘Taiwan State’ with China

Foreign Minister Candidate Park Jin announced the transition to “North Korea’s denuclearization” and the establishment of a “Chinese economic cooperation and Japanese security” system, while the United States and Japan pressured China and Taiwan with the title of “state”. Candidate Park said, “China is a strategic partner,” and divided Japan into “shared democratic market economy and an alliance..

카테고리 없음 2022.04.18

South Korea checks NATO Quad and China over US monopoly on North Korean nuclear weapons

The Biden administration monopolized access to North Korea in the G7, and South Korea tied it to NATO and Quad and applied it to contain China. Shortly after the G7, the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) summit in a joint statement said, "We fully support North Korea's goal of complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization in accordance with UN Security Council-related resolution..

카테고리 없음 2021.06.15

President Moon urges Biden to “continue Trump CVID” against North Korean nuclear program

President Moon Jae-in expressed his opposition to the Biden administration's post-Trump policy toward North Korea ahead of the Korea-US summit in late May. President Moon said, "I hope that President Biden will become a historic president who has made real and irreversible progress for complete denuclearization and peace settlement on the Korean Peninsula." It would be a mistake to abolish the S..

카테고리 없음 2021.04.21