Liberalism 8

Yoon Seok-yeol's declaration of independence, 'national freedom and development', 'liberalism' falsification, Lee Jae-myeong's cooperation

Yoon Seok-yeol's declaration of independence, 'national freedom and development', 'liberalism' falsification, Lee Jae-myeong's cooperation President Yoon Seok-yeol altered the phrase ‘national freedom development’ in the Declaration of Independence into ‘expansion of liberalism.’ and Representative Lee Jae-myung coordinated by emphasizing ‘freedom.’ In his 31st Parade commemoration speech, Presi..

정치 2024.03.02

Far-right Italian-French immigration policy agreement vs. Yoon Seok-yeol’s ‘free diffusion’ excludes equality fraternity

Far-right Italian-French immigration policy agreement vs. Yoon Seok-yeol’s ‘free diffusion’ excludes equality fraternity President Yoon Seok-yeol, who agreed on the 20th to 'manipulate' the immigration policy, which was in conflict with France at a summit meeting between the far-right politician Italian Prime Minister and France for hosting the '2030 Expo,' excluded 'equality and fraternity' fro..

안보 2023.06.21

Post-China ideological economy ‘blocking’ Samsung ‘negative’ abroad ‘rising’ only in Korea

Post-China ideological economy ‘blocking’ Samsung ‘negative’ abroad ‘rising’ only in Korea While negative forecasts for Taiwan and Japan continued to appear for Samsung Electronics, domestic securities companies and media reported an 'upturn in the second half'. As a result of the NATO Summit, the government is strengthening the economic community based on the liberal ideology and accelerating t..

카테고리 없음 2022.07.04

NATO 'Denuclearization Stability on the Korean Peninsula' Vs President Yoon's 'Liberalism on North Korean Denuclearization'

President Yun Seok-yeol emphasized “freedom” and “denuclearization of North Korea” at the NATO summit, and the NATO summit and the G7 joint declaration shared “denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula” and “peace and stability” in common. In a speech at the NATO Summit on the 29th, President Yoon said, "In order to lead North Korea to the path of denuclearization, it is necessary to clearly show..

카테고리 없음 2022.06.30

Australian Prime Minister’s ‘North Korea Economic Sanctions’ Changed to ‘North Korea’s Denuclearization Cooperation’

At the Korea-Australia summit, the Australian prime minister's remarks about "economic sanctions on North Korea" were turned into "active cooperation on the denuclearization of North Korea" by the presidential office. President Yoon Seok-yeol and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Norman Albanage held a summit meeting in Spain on the 28th in the presidential office. Regarding “Australia said that..

카테고리 없음 2022.06.29

President Yoon’s ‘Freedom of Invasion of Communists’ in the Korean War

President Yun Seok-yeol has intensified confrontation with China and Russia by defining the Korean War as an “invasion of a free Korea by communists,” calling it a “North Korean nuclear threat to world peace.” President Yoon defined the Korean War as a war between ‘liberalism’ and ‘communism’ as “a heroic spirit that protected a free Republic of Korea from aggression by communists” in his memori..

카테고리 없음 2022.06.06

President Yoon transforms into a 'breeding ground for liberalism' in the May democratization movement in Gwangju

President Yoon Seok-yeol, accompanied by the People's Power National Assembly, transformed the May of Gwangju into a 'broad of liberalism'. In his May 18 commemoration speech, President Yoon said, “We remember the May protest 42 years ago, when the values ​​of liberal democracy and human rights were defended with blood. Facing the pain of that day head-on, we have developed liberal democracy in ..

카테고리 없음 2022.05.18

President Moon's 'democratic republican' Unsuk-yeol 'free democracy' hard-line conservative struggle

President Moon Jae-in announced on the 4th that “all citizens are exercising the right to vote as a sovereign of the democratic republic” and confronted candidate Yoon Seok-yeol, who advocates “liberalism,” in a battle for hard-line conservatives. President Moon said on his social media account, "The early voting for the 20th presidential election begins today. As a sovereign of a democratic rep..

카테고리 없음 2022.03.04