Ukraine War 41

NATO ‘responding to China’s challenge’, Yoon to NATO ‘non-proliferation cooperation, institutionalization of free solidarity’

NATO ‘responding to China’s challenge’, Yoon Seok-yeol to NATO ‘non-proliferation cooperation, institutionalization of free solidarity’ In a joint statement, NATO specified “responding to China’s challenges,” and South Korea signed a “counter-terrorism, disarmament, and non-proliferation program cooperation” with NATO, and announced “institutionalization of free values.” "China's ambitions and c..

안보 2023.07.12

East Asian ‘Nato-Japan union’ Central Asia ‘China, Russia, India, Iran’ Block

As the East Asian region was combined with Japan-led NATO with US support in a bloc confrontation, and China was in a state of confrontation with the regional alliance linking India, Russia and Iran to Central Asia, Korea came to stand at the forefront. President Yoon Seok-yeol's joint declaration of the Korea-US summit, "Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula," and the Ukrainian front connect..

안보 2023.05.07

155mm proportion plummeted compared to the autumn war as an anti-air defense tank for Ukraine war

155mm proportion plummeted compared to the autumn war as an anti-air defense tank for Ukraine war The U.S. and Europe began replacing the absolute shortage of 155mm shells, which had been hindered by mistakes in preparing for a long-term war, with the early introduction of Patriot air defense networks and M1 tanks. As the war in Ukraine has been at a stalemate since winter, the proportion of Sou..

안보 2023.04.23

‘Chinese mediation’ and ‘pressure to end the war’ at home and abroad as the Battle of Zelensky Bahamut is overdue

Ukrainian President Zelensky, who was pushed back in the Battle of Bahamut, said "mediation with China", suggesting that Ukrainian domestic and international pressure to negotiate an end to the war had begun. Associated Press Executive Vice President and Editor-in-Chief Julie Fasse, who had an exclusive interview with President Zelensky on the 28th, said, "Zelensky's comments suggest that losing..

안보 2023.03.29

Ukraine War Russia Cognitive War Vs Zelensky ‘Values’ Psychological Warfare

Podolyak, an adviser to Ukrainian President Zelensky, revealed in an interview with Yomiuri on the 8th that he had a media war of “quick response” to Russia’s “cognitive war” and a speech campaign of “value protection battle” to attack the parliament. Regarding the war in Ukraine, Adviser Podolyak told Yomiuri that “Western countries recognize and share the assertion of ‘the battle to protect va..

안보 2023.03.09

Korea-U.S. summit under permanent control over establishment of ‘nuclear consultative body’ in South Korea and Japan

The U.S. began a policy of permanent control by establishing a “nuclear consultative body” in South Korea and Japan, and a Korea-U.S. summit was announced to resolve conflicts over forced labor. Yomiuri reported on the 8th from Washington, citing a US-Japanese official, that the Biden administration had approached the Japanese and Korean governments to establish a new consultative body for nucle..

안보 2023.03.08

U.S., Germany, Russia and China Approach Nuclear Negotiations Against Ukraine

As the United States and Germany, ahead of the elections, became a new quadratic system against the solidarity of Russia and China, the Ukrainian “war negotiations” moved away from Ukrainian territory and turned into “nuclear negotiations.” On the 3rd, US President Biden and German Prime Minister Schulz held a private meeting at the White House without accompanying reporters and parted ways with..

안보 2023.03.04

Russian Congress approves suspension of New Start, President Putin strengthens ICBM hypersonic aircraft

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a message to the people on the Day of Defense of the Fatherland on the 23rd, Russia's victory day, "We will strengthen nuclear weapons," and said, "Sarmat," a new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) equipped with nuclear weapons, and hypersonic weapons Yomiuri reported on the 23rd that 'Kinjal' was cited as a specific example of reinforcement. In th..

안보 2023.02.23

North Korea’s “intervention” in the US-Russia-China triangular system by incapacitating Russia’s New Start

North Korea’s “intervention” in the US-Russia-China triangular system by incapacitating Russia’s New Start 러시아가 미국과 유지하던 뉴스타트 군비통제 체제를 무력화하고 중국 핵의 국제화로 미러중 삼각체제의 핵강국 체제를 구축하며 북한이 대륙간탄도미사일로 개입을 시도했다. 블라디미르 푸틴 러시아 대통령은 21일 미국과의 마지막 남은 핵무기 통제 협정인 뉴스타트(New START) 조약에 대한 참여를 중단하고 우크라이나 전투에 대한 전세를 급격히 높이고 있다고 선언했다. 미 국방부는 앞서 중국이 향후 1년 동안 미국과 러시아의 무기고에 필적하는 핵무기 배치를 추정하는 전략 보고서는 잇따라 냈고, 중국은 미국-러시아간의 뉴스타..

안보 2023.02.22