
Japan’s confirms non-nuclear-led North Korea-Japan negotiations in the Asia-Pacific region South Korea ‘exclusion’

김종찬안보 2022. 9. 22. 12:14

With the UN General Assembly as an opportunity, Japan took the lead on the denuclearization of East Asia and approached North Korea-Japan negotiations, and it seems that South Korea's strategy of "blocking diplomatic ties with North Korea" was excluded.
In his address to the UN General Assembly, US President Joe Biden said, “I urge all countries to refocus on strengthening their nuclear non-proliferation regime through diplomacy. "No matter what else happens in the world, the United States is prepared to take important arms control measures," he said. "Nuclear war has no winners and should never happen. The five permanent members of the UN Security Council reaffirmed that will in January." work said
In a speech to the UN General Assembly, Japanese Prime Minister Kishida called for strengthening of disarmament and non-proliferation with the Security Council, saying, "Based on the Japan-North Korea (DPRK-Japan) Pyongyang Declaration, comprehensive resolution of various issues such as abduction, nuclear weapons and missiles, and the settlement of the unfortunate past, the policy of normalization of relations has not changed. "No," he said, stating that he would 'negotiate unconditionally with North Korea'.
The Korea-Japan summit was held for 30 minutes in a room without a background at the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) summit, led by Japan on the 21st.
President Biden and Prime Minister Kishida met at the United Nations General Assembly on the 21st, and the White House said in a statement that it "emphasized the importance of strengthening and modernizing the security alliance."
President Yoon Seok-yeol met with Biden for 45 seconds on the 21st, and the White House reaffirmed its commitment to "strengthen the alliance between the two countries and to work closely 'to deal with the threat posed by North Korea.'"
Prime Minister Kishida next, at the CTBT summit meeting, urged each country to ratify and strengthen the operating system of the treaty, centered on the Asia-Pacific, and to strengthen response to the early entry into force of the treaty.
In the CTBT, Japan, Australia, and the Netherlands, in principle, hold foreign ministerial-level meetings once every two years, and the New York meeting acknowledged North Korea in a joint statement only that "a new nuclear test is irresponsible and unacceptable." did.
The meeting between Korea and Japan at the CTBT conference hall was a ‘30-minute meeting’ at the request of nondisclosure, and it was agreed to “develop future-oriented relations between Korea and Japan”, and the venue and meeting were disclosed after the meeting started.
Regarding the meeting, <the two leaders shared the view that, in addition to confirming the recognition that "Japan and South Korea are important neighbors in the current strategic environment," they would promote cooperation between Japan and South Korea, Japan, the United States and South Korea and cooperate in response to North Korea." Yomiuri" said.
"The leaders of Japan and South Korea promised to resolve the historical problem that undermined relations between US allies through their first summit in nearly three years," Bloomberg said. 'The two countries discussed the importance of cooperation involving the United States facing the same threat as North Korea. The United States is seeking help from two people on security and trade.”
At the UN General Assembly, President Yoon said, “When an individual’s freedom is threatened within a country, community members must unite to remove the threat and protect freedom. We must overcome this through strong support and solidarity with the universal international system of norms,” he said.

In his speech to the United Nations in New York, President Yoon restored the speech delivered by the Republican Reagan-controlled Secretary of State Schultz in 1983 as a “shining model” on the Korean economy, which had grown rapidly due to the strengthening of the Cold War system, to the member states in his speech to the UN in New York, and said, “Building a high-level economy under the UN system. ' was recommended.
The US Democratic Party tolerated the establishment of diplomatic ties with North Korea before the establishment of diplomatic ties with North Korea, while the Republican Party attempted to change the North Korean regime with the strategy of “impossible to establish diplomatic ties between North Korea and Japan before the establishment of diplomatic ties with North Korea.”