
Bloomberg's 'crowd clash bureaucracy kills citizens in 15 countries' international disaster

김종찬안보 2022. 11. 1. 17:38

Bloomberg News published separate articles on “clash of crowds” and “civilians killed in 15 countries,” the Itaewon disaster became an international incident, with comments one after another that “bureaucracies have violated the expectations of young people and caused damage on an unimaginable scale.”

The Korean government did not request the Korean embassy of the victim countries, such as the United States, Japan, Russia, Iran, Vietnam, etc., to participate in the on-site investigation.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs excluded the government officials from the press conference, and a foreign country was expected to sue for large amounts of damage to victims of nationality.

At a foreign press conference, Prime Minister Han Deok-soo said on the 1st that "the important factor is 'crowd management'" and 'crowd responsibility' when asked about the cause of the accident.

Prime Minister Han said, "If there is no ideological difference and there is no political intention even if there are 100,000 people in [Itaewon], it is considered that there is no such risk." placement,' he said.

Prime Minister Han said, "There were three small alleys that connected two main roads, but there is a question that 'common sense non-experts' have as to why the disaster occurred in the middle and not in the similar narrow alleys on both sides. I do not believe that judgments other than those based on thorough investigations or procedures should not be made.”     

He continued, "Is it a tragedy that could not be prevented if the event was not organized by the organizer?", "How far is the responsibility of the police?" will be revealed,” he said, depending on the results of the police investigation.     

On the 1st, the Korean police revealed 'self-inspection' for poor response to the accident site, and it seems difficult to meet international conditions.     

"It's not difficult to find similarities between the deaths of more than 150 people from Halloween crowds and the deaths of about 300, mainly high school students, in the 2014 Sewol ferry sinking," Bloomberg said. They called it a tragic incident that could have been abandoned and avoided on a scale that was almost unimaginable."

In a commentary article on the same day, Bloomberg compared the sensitivity of this issue to that of the Sewol ferry disaster, saying, "A political flashpoint is being created due to the deaths of young people in a situation where approval ratings for President Yoon are falling."

Earlier on the 30th, Bloomberg published an article titled “Citizens from 15 Countries Killed in Deadly Halloween Clash in Seoul,” saying, “Citizens from 15 countries were hit (omitted), and authorities are still trying to figure out how the favor of young participants occurred, and the police are trying to prevent it. "We are investigating whether more could be done for this purpose, but foreign embassies in Seoul have been busy letting upset families know about the loss of a loved one at the first Halloween street celebration in the South Korean capital since 2019."

In an article titled "Seoul's tragedy pressures President Yoon to show that he can lead," Bloomberg reported on the 1st, "South Korea's President Yun Seok-yeol's handling of the fatal crowd surge that took the lives of more than 150 people was the only way he would lead critics. "It will either prove that he can, or hand over more material to his opponents, giving him a chance to paint his administration incompetent."

Regarding the future prospects, Bloomberg said, "It is not easy to avoid a tragedy such as the Itaewon disaster, but since it is not a natural disaster, it should be avoided with the ability to avoid it." 

As Bloomberg concluded, "President Yoon's political future may depend on what he does next."

The Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters announced on the 1st that the number of “deaths” in Itaewon was 156, and the number of foreigners who died was 26 from 14 countries including Iran, China and Russia.

On the 1st, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, “For the deceased, 20 million won in consolation and up to 15 million won in funeral expenses will be provided for the deceased, just like Koreans. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs staff is assigned one-on-one for each dead and injured person, so we are discussing with the relevant embassy in Korea and the bereaved family so that the necessary procedures can be carried out smoothly,” he told reporters.

Prime Minister Han told NBC reporter 'Is it wrong for young friends to be there? In this situation where it seems like no one's fault, where do you see the beginning and end of the responsibility of the Korean government?', he said, "I don't think there's anything wrong with the young people." What are the first and last responsibilities of a person who should be held responsible?" and a smiling face was broadcast live.