
South Korea and Iran added ‘nuclear’ to ‘enemy’ remarks by President Yun

김종찬안보 2023. 1. 20. 12:13

Reuters reported on the 20th that South Korea and Iran are adding Iranian Vice Foreign Minister's remarks of "nuclear development" to President Yoon Seok-yeol's "enemy" remarks.

Reuters said, “Relations between Seoul and Tehran have already deteriorated due to the freeze on Iranian funds in South Korea and the suspicion of arms deals between Iran and North Korea.” A few hours after the remarks were made, South Korean Vice Foreign Minister Cho Hyun-dong called the Iranian ambassador to Korea and said, “I have filed a complaint about Najafi’s remarks.” He said he made a claim,” it reported on the 19th.

Reuters continued, “President Yoon said last week that South Korea may need to redeploy US tactical nuclear weapons or build its own bombs to deter North Korea, but instead seek to use so-called extended US deterrence or military forces, including nuclear force, as a 'realistic and achievable' means. We are working to improve joint planning and execution of our capabilities,” the report said.

The report continued, "Our President's remarks were aimed at strengthening the effectiveness of extended deterrence to counter North Korea's escalating nuclear and missile threats," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Lim Su-seok during a briefing.

The report said, "Iran and South Korea have called each other's special envoys to respond to South Korean President Yoon Seok-yeol's comments describing the Islamic Republic as an enemy of the United Arab Emirates." and the UAE are in a 'very similar' situation, facing North Korea and Iran as 'enemies and greatest threats' respectively."

On Iran, Reuters said Tehran summoned South Korean Ambassador Yoon Kang-hyeon on Wednesday and warned it could review relations between the two countries if the matter is not resolved, according to a report by the official IRNA news agency.

Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister Reza Najafi said in remarks that Iran has "rooted and friendly relations" with most of its neighbors, describing President Yoon's remarks as "interference" and calling for Yoon to "promote peace and stability in the region." It is damaging,” he added.

Deputy Foreign Minister Najafi went on to accuse Seoul of pursuing an "unfriendly approach" to Iran and mentioned the issue of frozen funds, Reuters reported. We have repeatedly requested that the funds be disclosed.”

Regarding Korea-Iran relations, Reuters said, “We have been discussing how to lift the funding freeze and resume Iranian crude oil imports.” We stopped importing,” he said.

The United States, which is leading the Iran nuclear negotiations, announced that White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan visited Jerusalem on the 19th and met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Prime Minister Netanyahu said on the same day, “I thanked the Biden administration for their efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.”

The Iran nuclear deal was signed with the EU in July 2015 by the US Democratic Party's Obama administration as the "Comprehensive Joint Plan of Action (JCPOA)" restored

In a speech at the United Nations in September 2017, Republican President Trump identified Iran as a “rogue state,” along with North Korea and Venezuela, and President Yoon’s remarks of “enemy of Iran” seem to be a restoration of this.

Under President Biden's Democratic Party, sanctions against Iran were restored, nuclear negotiations with Iran resumed, and war broke out in Ukraine.

In July 2015, the United States, Russia, China, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany agreed on the 'P5+1' national system to resolve Iran's nuclear program through the 'Comprehensive Joint Plan of Action (JCPOA)' and to limit Iran's 'enrichment capacity and uranium stockpiles' It is a method of exchanging sanctions relief, such as 'redesign and conversion of some nuclear facilities' and 'measures to secure transparency and trust'.


A high-ranking official in the presidential office accompanying President Yoon said at the Zurich Press Center in Switzerland on the 19th, “It seems that there was some misunderstanding on the Iranian side. Yesterday, looking at the various statements issued by the Iranian ambassador to Korea, I felt that the focus was blurring when I saw the issue of frozen funds and President Yoon's remarks on nuclear armament. Because (the Iranian side) had a misunderstanding, the focus is getting blurred, and since it was paradoxically proven that it was a misunderstanding, I understand that our side also invited the Iranian ambassador to explain it. I believe that misunderstandings can be resolved, and neither side will have the intention of amplifying misunderstandings to make things difficult.”