
Yoon Seok-yeol ‘violates’ the ROK-US security agreement SCM by excluding international cooperation through ‘strengthening reconnaissance’

김종찬안보 2023. 11. 23. 13:00

Yoon Seok-yeol ‘violates’ the ROK-US security agreement SCM by excluding international cooperation through ‘strengthening reconnaissance’

As the Yoon Seok-yeol government attempted to ‘strengthen reconnaissance,’ the Minister of National Defense stated in the National Assembly that ‘South Korea will strengthen North Korea while restricting surveillance and reconnaissance’ in response to the North Korean military kidnapping agreement, thereby excluding reconnaissance from international cooperation, and the inter-Korean conflict began.

The Korean Minister of National Defense and the U.S. Secretary of Defense agreed and signed and announced the ‘Contribution to Prevention of Accidental Conflicts in the September 19 Agreement’ in the ROK-US Security Agreement in December 2021.

At a summit meeting with the British Prime Minister, President Yoon Seok-yeol said, “As a response to North Korean provocations, we have suspended part of the inter-Korean military agreement and resumed front-line surveillance and reconnaissance activities against North Korea,” announcing the “strengthening of surveillance and reconnaissance.”

Regarding the summit, the President's Office said on the 22nd that the North Korean launch was a provocation against the international community in violation of the Security Council resolution, and South Korea and the United Kingdom agreed to condemn it and jointly respond together with the international community. It was explained that President Yoon ruled out ‘strengthening reconnaissance’.

Minister of National Defense Shin Won-sik then said in the National Assembly, “In particular, in a situation where our military’s surveillance and reconnaissance is limited, North Korea is strengthening its surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities against us through military reconnaissance satellites,” pointing out ‘South Korea discrimination in surveillance and reconnaissance.’

The joint declaration of the ROK and U.S. Ministers of Defense at the 53rd ROK-U.S. Security Consultative Meeting (SCM, December 2, 2021) was that <the two ministers noted that the implementation of the “September 19 Military Agreement” between South and North Korea is effectively contributing to preventing accidental conflict on the Korean Peninsula. I agreed and signed.

SCM clearly stated and signed the 2018 ‘Panmunjom Declaration’, ‘Pyongyang Joint Declaration, and Joint Statement of the Singapore Summit between the United States and the United States’ as ‘reaffirmation of the joint belief that denuclearization and establishment of permanent peace are essential.’

Yoon Jae-ok, floor leader of the People Power Party, said on the 23rd, "During the last government inspection, it was confirmed that our military's surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities for signs of North Korean military provocations in the border area are limited due to the establishment of a no-fly zone due to the September 19 military agreement." Regarding the partial suspension of the 9/19 inter-Korean military agreement, he said, “It is a measure that should have been taken long ago to protect the security of the Korean Peninsula and the safety of the people.”

Reuters reported, “As the terms of the agreement are suspended, South Korea is maintaining its security in the heavily guarded border area with North Korea. “We will strengthen military surveillance,” he said on the 22nd, adding, “Critics said the agreement weakened South Korea’s ability to monitor North Korea and that North Korea violated the agreement,” focusing on strengthening South Korea’s reconnaissance.

North Korea's Ministry of Defense said in a statement to the Rodong Sinmun that day, "From this moment on, our military will not be bound by the September 19 Agreement," and "We will immediately restore all military measures that were suspended in accordance with the inter-Korean military agreement." (MDL) announced that “we will forward deploy more powerful forces and new military equipment in the region.”

The Downing Street agreement signed by President Yoon and Prime Minister Sunak is centered on “cooperation to implement UN sanctions against North Korea.”

Prime Minister Sunak first announced in his remarks at the summit that “Korean companies will invest approximately 20 billion pounds (32.6 trillion won) in the UK.”

Reuters said in an article from the UK, “South Korea suspended parts of a 2018 military agreement with North Korea after North Korea ignored U.S. warnings and launched a spy satellite,” adding, “With provisions of the agreement suspended, South Korea will continue to maintain strict security measures with North Korea.” “We will strengthen military surveillance in one border area,” he said.

In the Seoul Agreement at the 53rd ROK-U.S. Security Consultative Meeting (SCM, December 2, 2021), U.S. Secretary of Defense Austin said, "The various measures being pursued by the military authorities of South and North Korea to implement the 'September 19 Military Agreement' are being implemented on the Korean Peninsula." It was evaluated that conditions were created to ease tensions, reduce the risk of war, and prevent accidental conflicts in border areas. In addition, the two Ministers agreed that the implementation of the 'September 19 Military Agreement' is effectively contributing to preventing accidental conflicts on the Korean Peninsula.> They signed and announced.

The agreement stated that <the two ministers will pursue diplomacy based on existing inter-Korean, North American, and multilateral commitments, such as the 2018 'Panmunjom Declaration' and the 'Pyongyang Joint Declaration' between North and South Korea, the Singapore Summit Joint Statement between North Korea and the United States, and the 2005 Six-Party Talks Joint Statement. While reaffirming their common belief that dialogue with the Korean Peninsula is essential for complete denuclearization and the establishment of permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula, they agreed to support diplomatic efforts by maintaining a solid joint preparedness posture and international sanctions. Minister Yang urged North Korea to comply with international agreements.

4. The Minister and the Minister said that the various measures being pursued by the military authorities of South and North Korea to implement the Armistice Agreement, the 'Panmunjeom Declaration' and the 'September 19 Military Agreement' on the Korean Peninsula will ease tensions on the Korean Peninsula, reduce the risk of war, and prevent contingencies in the border area. It was evaluated that conditions for collision prevention were created. Additionally, the two Ministers agreed that the implementation of the '9/19 Military Agreement' is effectively contributing to preventing accidental conflicts on the Korean Peninsula. Secretary Austin expressed support for solid inter-Korean dialogue, engagement, and cooperation, and announced that "in this regard, we will continue to maintain close coordination and cooperation between the ROK and U.S. military authorities.">