
Han Dong-hoon imitates Roh Tae-woo’s scripted conference, ‘A political party spreads the president’s support for a powerful leader’

김종찬안보 2023. 12. 27. 12:04

Han Dong-hoon imitates Roh Tae-woo’s scripted conference, ‘A political party spreads the president’s support for a powerful leader’



Han Dong-hoon, chairman of the People Power Party’s emergency committee, separated only the president from ‘fellow citizens’ and defined political parties as ‘ the executioners of the president’s policies’ on the 26th.

In his inauguration speech, Chairman Han said, “It is the ruling party that holds the president and is in charge of executing policies. We must explain the prepared policies to the public and implement them immediately. (omitted) Politicians are public servants, not the people themselves. He said, ‘It is the public servant of the people, so we must do better to everyone.’” He separated President Yoon from politicians and political parties, elevated him to a transcendental position, and defined political parties as subordinate executors of the executive branch.

In the declaration that day, when he became the head of the political party reformation from the Minister of Justice, he modeled the Nazi party system as a pyramid-shaped class structure in which the party manages the people at the top of the president as the 'executor of presidential policies' with 'public support for powerful leadership of Orthodoxy'.
Chairman Han's press conference that day was a direct imitation of the scripted press conference held in 1988 during the Roh Tae-woo administration's Blue House State of the Union press conference, in which questions were selected in advance.
Chairman Han said that during the question-and-answer session with reporters at the inauguration ceremony, the People Power Party ‘pre-selected the questioner and requested the content of the question in advance.’
On this day, some media outlets reported on the 26th, “Party officials first limited the number of questions to three or four, then received applicants and asked them the gist of the questions.”
At the first New Year's press conference under the Roh Tae-woo regime, which emerged after the 'press guidelines' of the Chun Doo-hwan regime, the arrangement of reporters' seats and the order of questions were numbered on the broadcasting company's camera table, and a scripted Q&A was broadcast live based on the questions asked in advance and the order, but the Blue House and the media adapted it as ‘democratization.’
Chairman Han held a press conference immediately after speaking about 'fellow citizens' about 10 times, saying, "The president can explain policies better because the ruling party exists, and the president will receive more power when the ruling party is loved." Defined as a ‘spreader’.
In his speech, Chairman Han said, “I am convinced that when sophisticated and powerful leadership meets the understanding and support of the people, the country develops and the people’s lives improve.” He added, “The great Republic of Korea and my fellow citizens, who have achieved industrialization and democratization at the same time, “Because they deserve much better politics than that,” he said, showing totalitarianism by separating “presidential leadership” from “politics of citizens.”

Chairman Han said at a press conference, "The President, the ruling party, and the government are institutions that each do their job for the people within the scope of the Constitution and law. There is no talk of vertical or horizontality there. It is a mutually cooperative partnership." The vertical relationship between the president and the ruling party was described as ‘partnership.’
Regarding fellow citizens, Chairman Han said, “I believe that a mature liberal democratic society is completed by the sense of camaraderie among citizens.” He also said, “Our party must be a party with that sense of camaraderie, and we are all fellow citizens,” adding, “Political Party member Seok-yeol Yoon ' were excluded from being fellow citizens.
In his speech, Chairman Han said, “This can only be realized when we can persuade our community and fellow citizens that we are the people with the skills and attitude to replace the privileged politics of the activist group,” and added, “We represent Jae-myung Lee on behalf of many common-sense citizens.” “We will fight against the representative Democratic Party and the privileged forces of the movement that hide behind it and try to rule over the people,” he said in his inauguration speech. In response to the report that a political party official first limited the number of questions to reporters and then accepted applicants and asked for the gist of the questions, a People Power Party official said: On the 26th, they confirmed the prior contact, saying, “We asked for the understanding of the press corps in advance because the situation at the scene was chaotic due to the rush of broadcasting.”

President Roh Tae-woo's scripted press conference had reporters' layout and order written on the broadcast camera and the president's speaking desk, and when reporters raised their hands to ask questions, the president nominated them according to the order of the layout and read the answers to pre-provided questions on the screen. It was changed to 'autonomous reporting and the president's public press conference.'
Party politics between political parties and the president is based on a presidential system in which the political parties provide policies and recruit elites. The basic relationship is mutual, with the political parties guaranteeing the president's policy modifications and feedback, and requesting the dismissal of the appointed ministers, secretaries, heads of intelligence agencies, the military, etc., but Chairman Han The party changed its focus from 'blocking feedback' to 'spreading the president's policies' and 'blocking people's demands'.
The Constitution begins with Article 1, “The Republic of Korea is a democratic republic,” and Article 2, Article 7, “Public servants are servants of the entire people and are responsible for the people,” and Article 8 states, “Political parties are democratic in their purpose, organization, and activities.” Party democracy was clearly defined as, “It must have the necessary organization to participate in forming the political will of the people.”
Following ‘the people’ and ‘political parties,’ the Constitution has ‘National Assembly’ in Chapter 3, and Article 53 (1) specifies that ‘bills passed by the National Assembly are transferred to the government and promulgated by the President within 15 days’ as the highest body.
The president was defined as having a low level of seniority in Chapter 4, Section 1, and his rights were restricted from ‘government’ to ‘protecting the constitution’ (Article 66) and ‘obligation to comply with the Constitution’ (Article 69).
One candidate said, “The Constitution of the Republic of Korea is based on liberal democracy, and the People Power Party is the party of liberal democracy,” and “The President, the ruling party, and the government are partners who cooperate with each other for the benefit of the people within the scope of the Constitution and laws.” did.
Article 4 of the Constitution states, ‘The Republic of Korea pursues unification and establishes and promotes a peaceful unification policy based on the basic liberal democratic order.’ However, President Yoon Seok-yeol spoke of ‘unification of liberal democracy and expansion of freedom,’ and Chairman Han said, ‘ It was altered to be a ‘liberal democratic party of the Constitution’.