
Netanyahu: “Iranian people’s freedom is prosperous” Trump: “Harris supports Iran”​

김종찬안보 2024. 10. 2. 12:56

Netanyahu: “Iranian people’s freedom is prosperous” Trump: “Harris supports Iran”

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu gave a speech on the Republican Party’s ideology of “spreading freedom to the Iranian people and prospering,” and US presidential candidate Trump demanded that “Harris provide Iran with money” to win the US Republican Party’s presidency.

President Yoon Seok-yeol cooperated with “expansion of freedom to the North Korean people as a unification policy.”
Former President Trump, the US Republican presidential candidate, said in a speech on the 1st, “When I was president, Iran was completely contained. They had no cash, they were completely blocked, and they were desperate to negotiate. Kamala (Democratic candidate Harris) poured American money into them, and since then, they have exported chaos to the whole world and thrown the Middle East into chaos.”

On the 30th of last month, Prime Minister Netanyahu gave a speech on the collapse of the Iranian regime and the spread of freedom to the Iranian people in a video translated from Persian to English, saying, “Imagine all the money the Iranian regime has wasted on nuclear weapons and wars abroad being invested in educating your children, improving health care, building national infrastructure, water, sewage, and everything else that is needed,” and added, “When Iran is finally free, which will come much sooner than people think, everything will change.” Former President Trump said on social media TruthSocial on the same day, “This (Iran’s missile attack on Israel) should not have happened. It would not have happened if I was president,” and added, “Iran and Russia want Vice President Harris to be elected because they know that as long as she remains in power, they can exploit the United States more than ever.” Prime Minister Netanyahu told the Iranian people on the 30th, “Every day, I see the regime that subjugates you making fiery speeches about defending Lebanon and the Gaza Strip,” and “But every day, that regime plunges our region deeper into darkness and war. Iran’s puppets are being eliminated. There is no place in the Middle East that Israel cannot reach. There is no place it will not go to protect our people.” Former President Trump continued, “If she (Harris) does four more years, the world will burn and disappear,” and “If I win, we will restore peace to the world.” Prime Minister Netanyahu said to the Iranian people, “The Iranian people must know that Israel is with you,” and “I hope that we can know a future of prosperity and peace together,” with Persian subtitles.
Prime Minister Netanyahu expanded the coalition to strengthen the war by appointing Gideon Saar, a hardliner who advocates “war until the complete destruction of Hamas,” as a member of the war cabinet to succeed Defense Minister Gideon Saar, who announced his intention to resign the day before his speech (last month, 29th).
Defense Minister Yoav Galant, who announced his intention to resign in protest of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s hard-line policy, continued to serve as minister for the time being as fighting with Hezbollah intensified on Israel’s northern border, and appointed Saar, a “young star” of the Likud Party who was nominated as his successor, to the war cabinet.

Reuters said of the appointment, “Sunday’s agreement gives Saar, who hopes to one day become prime minister, a chance to revive his political career and expands Netanyahu’s majority coalition to 68 seats in the 120-seat Knesset.” Reuters added, “Netanyahu’s decision was partly driven by domestic politics, with Saar expected to back Netanyahu as he faces a number of high-profile political battles in the coming weeks, including conscripting ultra-Orthodox men into the military, passing a budget bill and taking the stand in a controversial long-running corruption trial.”

US Secretary of State Blinken defined US foreign policy as “Americans see the United States’ principled and restrained leadership in the world as very important,” but in the Iran and North Korea situations, the Israeli Netanyahu and Yoon Seok-yeol regimes have strengthened their cooperation with the Republican Party’s hard-line conservative strategy of “spreading liberal ideology to the Iranian and North Korean people and shaking the economic system,” thereby evading US diplomatic responsibility for heightened international tensions.

Secretary Blinken said of the “foreign affairs first policy” over the past four years, “We have found new ways to unite our allies,” and “In 2023, President Biden will hold the first trilateral summit with Japan and South Korea at Camp David and agree to strengthen cooperation to respond to North Korea’s ballistic missile attacks and cyberattacks,” and announced it in Foreign Affairs on the 1st as “Biden’s diplomatic success.”

Secretary Blinken stated that the reason for the success of the Biden administration's foreign policy was that it prioritized "solidarity with allies" over military force in response to "aggressive challenges to American interests" by "revisionist forces" such as Russia, Iran, North Korea, and China, who are attempting to shake the basic principles of the international system. However, the Yoon Seok-yeol and Netanyahu administrations have blatantly and abandoned their strategy of "directly targeting the people excluding the government and collapsing the regime" of "revisionist enemies" rather than alliances through ideological cooperation and election support from the Republican Party.


The US Republican Party’s ‘Freedom and Prosperity for the Iranian People’ strategy was officially confirmed in 2006 when Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who led the Iraq War under President Bush, officially announced regarding the Iran nuclear negotiation policy, saying, “The United States welcomes the development, prosperity, and freedom of the Iranian people, and we look forward to a new relationship between the peoples of our two countries that can advance these goals.”


Secretary Rice, who established the conservative Republican strategy system, specifically demanded the Iranian government to make a ‘freedom and prosperity choice’ by saying, “The nuclear issue is not the only issue in improving relations with the United States,” and “The Iranian clerical regime can fundamentally decide between two different choices for the Iranian people and its relations with the international community.”


Secretary Rice’s announcement at the time stated, “The Iranian people have a proud past and deserve a great future,” and “The United States believes that the Iranian people have a future of freedom and human rights, where they can vote, run for office, express their opinions without fear, and pursue political motives.” The United States also welcomes the development, prosperity, and freedom of the Iranian people, and looks forward to a new relationship between the peoples of the two countries that can advance these goals,” the Voice of America (VOA) reported on June 5, 2006.


Secretary Rice, a hard-line conservative strategist who served as National Security Advisor in the conservative Republican Party of the United States for a long time, met with President Yoon Seok-yeol on July 2 for a conversation.


The Office of the President announced in a press release that day, “Today, President Yoon met with former Secretary Rice and exchanged opinions on the situation on the Korean Peninsula, the global situation including the war in Ukraine, and recent Russia-North Korea relations.”


In his Liberation Day speech on August 16, President Yoon declared, “Only by expanding freedom to the North Korean people can we achieve complete liberation,” and announced “expansion of freedom to the North Korean people” as the new unification policy.


The Trump Moon Jae-in regime attempted to deliver the CIA-led 'North Korean People's Prosperity' project as a CD production at the Hanoi North Korea-US summit in 2017, but the talks fell through.


On July 22, 2022, President Yoon deleted the “peaceful unification policy” by directing the Ministry of Unification, stating that “unification based on the basic order of liberal democracy as stipulated in Article 4 of the Constitution means a unification process in which all the people of the South and the North are the main axes.” 

Article 3 of the Constitution states that “the territory of the Republic of Korea shall consist of the Korean Peninsula and its adjacent islands,” and Article 4 states that “the Republic of Korea shall seek unification and shall establish and promote a peaceful unification policy based on the basic order of liberal democracy.” Therefore, “peaceful unification” is the essence and “based on the basic order of liberal democracy” is the approach, so it is “constitutional falsification.” 

In his Liberation Day speech on August 8, President Yoon defined the March 1st Independence Movement as the “importation of the ideology of freedom,” portrayed the subsequent provisional government as a “freedom ideology organization,” and made Liberation Day “founded by the Syngman Rhee government in 1948” by relying on the actual “ideology of freedom,” thereby making it “National Foundation Day 1948.” Regarding the “nation of the ideology of freedom,” he linked the liberation to the “spread of the ideology of freedom to North Korea,” and announced a “strategy of inducing civil war by stimulating North Korean residents” as a unification policy. 

<Yoon Seok-yeol ‘National Independence’ Modified as ‘Import of Liberal Ideology’ North Korea ‘Maximized’ October Surprise ‘Approach’, August 16, 2024>
<President Yoon Seok-yeol ‘Freedom Democracy, Unification with the North Korean People, Military Increase’, July 22, 2022>
<Singapore North Korea-US Summit Confirmed as CIA Project, KMC Center Director, May 23, 2021>
<North Korea-US Negotiations Emphasize North Korean Residents’ Economic Offensive Facilitator, March 21, 2019> See