
NIS, Korean media, ‘North Korea provocation early next year’, VOA, ‘military power strengthened’, NK media, ‘militant task’

김종찬안보 2023. 12. 29. 00:09

National Intelligence Service, Korean media, ‘North Korea provocation early next year’, VOA, ‘military power strengthened’, North Korean media, ‘militant task’

The National Intelligence Service announced in a written statement on the 28th, "Judgment of military provocation against South Korea early next year," and Reuters reported that the Korean Central News Agency said, "He (Kim Jong-un) presented combative tasks for the People's Army, military industry, nuclear weapons, and civil defense sectors. “Preparations for war have been further accelerated,” the report said.
Yomiuri said, “The National Intelligence Service said that Comrade Kim Jong-un, General Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, gave instructions directly,” and “It is unusual for the National Intelligence Service to disclose Kim Jong-un’s instructions as they are understood, and it has the ability to detect North Korea ahead of the South Korean general election (April) and the U.S. presidential election in November next year.” “It is interpreted as an attempt to show off and send a warning,” he said on the 28th.
Yomiuri reported that the National Intelligence Service reported that Chairman Kim Jong-un instructed his aides to "prepare a plan to cause trouble (in South Korea) early next year."
Yomiuri went on to say, “It did not disclose when the order was given,” and “(the National Intelligence Service) pointed out that the recent reappointment of personnel involved in provocations, such as the appointment of former Reconnaissance Bureau Director Kim Yong-chol as an advisor to the Unification Front Department, which oversees affairs with South Korea, is a precursor to provocations.” “I did it,” he said.
Reuters said, “On the 27th, President Yoon Seok-yeol visited the Yeoncheon Eastern Front unit, inspected the defense posture, and called for immediate retaliation in case of provocation by North Korea.” “President Yoon urged the enemy to immediately and firmly crush the will of provocation on the spot.” He said, ‘I will do it,’” it was reported on the 28th.
Reuters continued, “Korea Central News Agency reported that Kim Jong-un also presented economic goals for the new year at the party convention and evaluated the new year as a ‘decisive year’ for completing the country’s five-year development plan.” Kim Jong-un continued, “We will work hard in key industrial sectors in the new year.” He said, “We have made clear the important tasks that need to be pursued,” and urged, “Agricultural production must be stabilized at a high level.”
Reuters continued, “North Korea's 2023 grain production is estimated to have increased compared to the previous year due to favorable weather conditions,” adding, “However, an official in Seoul said that amount is still far below what is needed to solve the country's chronic food shortages.” “I said I couldn’t do it,” he said.
Reuters said, “The 8th plenary session of the 9th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea began on the 26th to finalize the launch of isolated North Korea’s nuclear policy in its constitution, launch of a spy satellite, and launch of a new intercontinental ballistic missile.” “The multi-day gathering of government and government officials has been used to make major policy announcements in recent years, and North Korean state media previously released Kim Jong-un’s New Year’s Day speech.”
On the 28th, the Voice of America (VOA) reported <North Korea Kim Jong-un presents combat tasks to ‘spur war preparations’ at plenary meeting… South Korea “Possibility of North Korean military provocations early next year”> In the conclusion, Chairman Kim stated, “Based on the (omitted) analysis, he made a militant statement that the People’s Army, military industry sector, nuclear weapons sector, and civil defense sector will further accelerate the completion of war preparations.” “The Korean Central News Agency, however, did not disclose specific details related to the ‘combat tasks’ presented by Chairman Kim,” he said.
VOA continued to report, “Chairman Kim’s remarks are interpreted to mean that he will further accelerate the strengthening of military capabilities, including nuclear and missile development, in response to the strengthening of extended deterrence by the United States and South Korea.”
VOA continued, “The National Intelligence Service predicted that there is a high possibility that North Korea will carry out military provocations early next year ahead of major political events such as the general election of the Korean National Assembly in April next year and the US presidential election in November.” The National Intelligence Service said on the 28th that “This analysis was based on North Korea’s history of military provocations before the 21st general election, the reappointment of key personnel involved in major provocations against South Korea in the past, and recent threats against South Korea,” he said.
In particular, VOA said, “The National Intelligence Service also presented North Korea’s successive threats against the United States and South Korea as evidence, such as Chairman Kim Jong-un’s statement at this plenary meeting to speed up the completion of war preparations,” and added, “The year-end party plenary meeting that North Korea started on the 26th is unprecedented, according to precedent. “It will be held on the 6th, and the policy blueprints in various fields of military, defense, foreign policy, economy, and society derived from the meeting are expected to be reported through government media on the first day of the new year,” he said.
The titles of related reports from Korean media are as follows:
‘Yonhap News’ <National Intelligence Service: “There is a high possibility of North Korean military provocations early in the year ahead of the general elections”>,
News 1 <National Intelligence Service: “Kim Jong-un orders to prepare a plan to cause ‘big waves’ in South Korea early next year”>,
Chosun Ilbo <National Intelligence Service: “Kim Jong-un ordered to prepare a plan that will cause a big stir in South Korea early next year”>,
Newsis <National Intelligence Service: “Kim Jong-un orders his associates to ‘prepare a plan to cause a stir in South Korea’”>,
JTBC <National Intelligence Service: “Kim Jong-un orders to ‘create a big stir in South Korea early next year’”>,
MBC <National Intelligence Service: “Kim Jong-un orders measures that will cause a big stir in South Korea early next year”>,
KBS <National Intelligence Service: “There is a high possibility of North Korean provocations ahead of next year’s general and U.S. presidential elections”>,
JoongAng Ilbo <National Intelligence Service: “There is a high possibility of North Korea’s military provocation early next year… Establishment of preparedness” (1st report) <Kim Jong-un: “Cause a big stir in South Korea early next year”… National Intelligence Service unusual disclosure> (2nd report),
Dong-A Ilbo <“Kim Jong-un orders to prepare a plan that will cause a big stir in South Korea early next year”>,
Hankook Ilbo <"We need to cause a big stir in South Korea"... NIS warns of possible North Korean provocations early in the year>,
Kyunghyang Shinmun <Kim Jong-un “Spurs preparations for war, including nuclear weapons”… NIS: “There is a high possibility of provocations early in the year.”>.

'Yonhap' said, "Kim Jong-un announced 'a programmatic conclusion on the direction of next year's struggle' at the party plenary meeting the day before and instructed to further accelerate the completion of war preparations in the military, logistics, nuclear weapons, and civil defense sectors." After the launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), he announced that he would 'respond strongly in a more evolved and threatening manner' to South Korea and the US, and openly threatened his associates by saying, 'Prepare a plan that can cause a big impact in South Korea early next year.' “It was reported.”
‘The Chosun Ilbo’ reported, “The day that the National Intelligence Service disclosed Kim Jong-un’s instructions to the media was the day that North Korean media revealed that Kim Jong-un presented tasks to accelerate the completion of war preparations at the second day of the year-end plenary session.”